New NANO help please?!?

well thanks!! i cant wait either its absolutely killing me!!! this weekend better go by fast haha. i am going to do my best to make this one of the best!! lol well as best i can. hopefully very clean and very colorfull. i am going to spend alot of time on the rock work as well. thats one of my favorite parts!!
okay so i got bored and here is a pick of my huge HOB filter:
the blue arrows are water duh
the brown is crushed live rock and the blue and black stripe in the middle is the filter


Active Member
All right, clown gobies unless its a mated pair WILL fight in that small of a tank.
I've been accused of misleading people into overstocking their nanos so here goes.
I don't recommend keeping clowns in a 10gallon, but people do it. I'd do only TRUE nanofish in a 10gallon.
I promise you that if you follow these guidelines that you will have a cool looking tank on a budget.
You will have to scout your local forums and classifieds on here to make sure you get the lowest possible prices, but with $50 a week, you could probably get a $10-$15 dollar fish pretty easily.
I'm let the tank cycle really well since you don't know how cured/cycle that rock is that you're gonna throw in there and the sand too..
What I'd personally do are the following AFTER the tank is cycled and showing some hair algae on the rocks:
Throw in 5 astrea snails, 3 big variety nassarius or 6 small ones. That's it for the cleaning crew. If you can afford to do so at the same time, pick up a candy stripe (aka randall's) pistol shrimp. Then a week after getting the shrimp, get you a goby to pair up with it such as a hifin red banded (one of the cheaper ones) or a yashia (I've seen them for as low as $30 at a LFS, they're also REALLY colorful and my favorite) which you could probably find for cheap on the classifieds here. Then let the tank run for awhile and mature for a month or two while you're saving up... You can throw softies like zoanthids and ricordeas in there in the mean time to give it some flavor. I would personally recommend AGAINST any sort of xenia, kenya tree, clove polyps, or green star polyps as they'll overgrow a 10gallon in no time.
After the tank has been cycled for 2months or more, get you 2 neon gobies and a rainfords goby. Then I'd recommend that you call it a day for fish or the maintenance will get exponentially greater. You could probably get some cool LPS in there at this point like acans, closed brains, chalices, etc.
okay well thank you for the info rotary. i would like a cleaner shrimp tho.. is that possible? also i love the yellow watchman goby will it pair with the shrimp? how does that filter set up look?


saltwater tanks are like gardens. I am in the minority, but I really like xenia. I think they are sweet! It's like any garden....You've just got to 'weed'. Nothing will 'take over' your tank unless you let it (coral wise).


look up 'skunk cleaner' (google it, but I'm sure they have it at


Active Member
don't get a cleaner shrimp, too small of a tank. They can get pretty big and don't like banging their antennae on everything.
yellow watchman's will pair with most any pistol shimp except for the caribbean pistols like bluelegs and such.
Originally Posted by Rotarymagic
don't get a cleaner shrimp, too small of a tank. They can get pretty big and don't like banging their antennae on everything.
yellow watchman's will pair with most any pistol shimp except for the caribbean pistols like bluelegs and such.
okay well my LFS has a small cleaner ill get him and if he outgrows my tank ill just send him back is that cool?
and yea that is awesome... now how do i get them to pair?


Active Member
Originally Posted by easternU8908
okay well my LFS has a small cleaner ill get him and if he outgrows my tank ill just send him back is that cool?
and yea that is awesome... now how do i get them to pair?
you just put them in the same tank, I'd put the shrimp in first to get a cave dug.
okay sweet i think that is what i will do then. thanks for the advise
i think i am goin to get a firefish and maybe a royal gramma as well
nothing has changed yet!! uhg!!! its taking so long...
today im goin to get the salt, sand, and filters cartridges. i live 30 minutes away from home and im at home right now so i will not have access to my tank till sunday. ill post pics on sunday of the stuff i got so far. i also have a power head from my 55 gal. and the rest of my test kits.