new nano


Active Member
Some clowns will host in condys. I have a clarkii that hosted in one.
It took him a few months before he even got near the anemone. Just be patient- they may host.


Well I must say.. what an interesting convo between all of you guys to read! ehehe!!! :D
I just wanted to put my input on my experience w/ smaller salt water tanks.
I just started my 10g salt water tank probably about 2 months ago... I got my first fish about a week after set up *(i was impatient!)* well, needless to say.. it died. So i waited about another week and got a 3 striped damsel and a electric blue damsel. They did great!! I loved them so much I went and got another 3 striped damsel from my LFS! They have been doing great so far!!!
I had never had any experience before I set my tank up, but I was ready for the challenge and let me say I still am!
I have 5lbs of live rock in my tank, undergravel filter, HOB filtration system, a power head and thats about it. My tank has started to grow algea which I know is a GOOD thing. The tank is not overtaken by algea, but it has a moderate amount. I also have a LARGE hermit crab.
DOES ANYONE KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THEM??? im scared he is eating my live rock creatures (feather dusters...) Im thinking of getting rid of him b/c i would like a few shrimp and a clam.
any suggestions would be great!!!!! :) Thanks


i ned some more advise too. My tank is getting a lot of brown and now green algea. The LFS said take the live rock out and scrub off the algea. That doesnt sound rite does it? I am afraid that it will kill my rock not to mention my fish. Anyone have any ideas?
BTW fish load
1=blue leg crab
1=red leg crab
2=percs (clowns)
1=condy anemone


hey RougeeTang... i have alot of algea in my tank too.. and algea is good for your tank.. so what i did was bought one of those magnatized algea cleaner .. i got a good one it cost about 13$.. and i just scraped the algea off the front of the tank.. i left it in the back and sides b/c like i said.. i think the algea is good for your tank!!!! i wouldnt take your live rock out.. i would be scared to take mine out to be honest!!! hope this helps........


New Member
This has been an amazing dialogue! I am also a newbie that jumped the gun though I bought an established nano without any livestock besides rock. I have 6 hermit crabs, 6 snails (I forget the type right now), 1 pink tip haitian anemone and 1 percula clown along with 12 lbs of live rock. My clean up crew came with the nano. I ignorantly bought the pink tip not knowing that A. Clowns dont host to them regularly and B. That it`s a very agressive anemonie. Though I have had no problems arise yet and all of my levels are right on. Im only in week 3 so we will see. The water that came with my tank is the same water the anemonie was living in for months so I feel Im in the clear there. I thought I was going to nuke the perc (captive bred) when I first put him in the tank but he seems immune to the clown now since he is stealing food bits here and there. Either way enough about my setup. Goodluck and patience for sure will pay off in the long run especially with a nano.


sorry rogue (i didnt mean to spell your name wrong!) anyway... i forgot to mention, i didnt do any salt water mixing.. i bought the pre-made salt water from ***** which is probably why my tank did/doing ok.
right now i have
2 - 3 striped damsels
1 - <electric> blue damel
I really want a clown! I'm thinking about buying one in a couple weeks. Anything special I should know when keeping clowns?
I read clowns and damsels mix well together. is that right?


I dont know about fish that much yet, but i do know that sounds like a lot of fish for a nano. Would it be ok if i added some more cleanup crew to this the algea is getting bad now. The green stuff looks like snot on the rocks it looks bad. Will it and the brown go away? I am only 14 days old now. Does anyone have teamspeak or ventrilo? I am not a very good typer.


Active Member

Originally posted by kaleysalen
sorry rogue (i didnt mean to spell your name wrong!) anyway... i forgot to mention, i didnt do any salt water mixing.. i bought the pre-made salt water from ***** which is probably why my tank did/doing ok.
right now i have
2 - 3 striped damsels
1 - <electric> blue damel
I really want a clown! I'm thinking about buying one in a couple weeks. Anything special I should know when keeping clowns?
I read clowns and damsels mix well together. is that right?

is that in a 10? thats already pushing it. no clown


Active Member

Originally posted by RogueTang
i ned some more advise too. My tank is getting a lot of brown and now green algea. The LFS said take the live rock out and scrub off the algea. That doesnt sound rite does it? I am afraid that it will kill my rock not to mention my fish. Anyone have any ideas?
BTW fish load
1=blue leg crab
1=red leg crab
2=percs (clowns)
1=condy anemone

The brown stuff is not algae it is diatoms. They are part of your cycle. The green algae is it stringy or a sheet like the brown stuff?
Most likely stringy which is hair algae. Not a good thing. Also part of a new tank but it can get out of control Snails will help a bit. An emerald crab. DO NOT get a blenny. Your tank wont support him. Also use the magnet that came with your tank or a new clean toothbrush for the glass.
Dont take the rocks out of the tank. There is no reason.


why is that thought? i read that damsels and clowns will mix well together? or were you just saying b/c of the size of the tank.
....well i think ive decided to turn my 12g into a salt water w/ just one or two clowns maybe. I really want to turn my 55g into a salt but my only problem is I have no where to put my freshwater fish...
its fun to chat w/ other fish lovers!


ok guys there was a post about a clean up crew for a 10g is that what i need also? Will it be ok to put that many things in my tank and will it afact the bio load?
clean up crew
-10 blue legs
-10 turbo snails
-1 or 2 large snails
-3 half inch conches
-1 cleaner shimp
-1 or 2 pepermint shrimp
This is what some recomended for a 10g what do i need in mine the tank looks like poo with all this green slim in it. the diatoms r settleing down now but the green stuff is coming on strong. I am also going to buy a timer my lights r running to long to (6am-10pm) that promotes algie growth. Just need a list then i be set to buy. Please be spacific noob here.


Active Member
The conchs are a bit big most of the time for a nano.
Only 1 shrimp- usually a peppermint.
16 hours is WAY too long. 7 hours is a good starting point.
Do you have moonlights for your tank?
Dont you have some other cleaners in there already or just the fish and the anemone?


i think me & u should just open up a chat room on yahoo or AOL lol j/k i really do want to thank u for all your help


Active Member
Ok so no more shrimp.
You can get some more crabs and some snails.
That would be a good place to start.
Just dont add too much at once.
If you email me I will send you plans for a DIY moonlight that is really good.