New Oceanic Nano Protein Skimmer


Has anyone replaced the airstone yet? I attempted to remove it today with no luck whatso ever. The black end caps seem to be glued, they wouldn't budge and the airstone itself has swollen and won't fit through the hole!

I'm going to let it dry out and see if it can be removed then. What a pain.


It took two days air-drying for me to finally removed the top end cap. Not sure why. Now I'm on the hunt for new airstones.


Shocking enough, I found them at my 'somewhat' LPS (nothing is "local" out here) They NEVER have anything I'm looking for. 2 pack for $5. Kinda cheesy that I have to put them together though, and they are shorter then the one that came with it. Oh well. I was able to reuse the stem from the old one, so I now have two ready to go.
I wish the other bc stuff was easier to find. The 10k bulb in my bc 29 went out today and out of 6 stores I called NONE had them!

So I had to order online and pay for 2nd day. AND the first fish I gets seems to have ich, and of course the LPS has NO copper medicine OR copper test. They SO suck. What a least he's in quarantine. (sigh)
Originally Posted by MaTT B
ill send u a pm with the link for a new airstone in a few mins


Oh Lord & Taylor! So the airstone that needs replacing "monthly" is a pain to get out??
..... grrrrrreat!~


Does this skimmer produce any type of smell? I want a Biocube for my office. It's a small office and don't want a skimmer that's going to stink up the place...


Originally Posted by ecooper
Does this skimmer produce any type of smell? I want a Biocube for my office. It's a small office and don't want a skimmer that's going to stink up the place...
My Biocube is in my office and I use the skimmer and haven't noticed any type of smell.


Well, I don't know. No one else has reported in.
Maybe I was just lucky.

Hopefully it was a fluke. And I don't plan on changing it once a month, it would get almost as expensive as the blasted filters that came with it.
I wanted to attempt rinsing it out and reusing, but I'm really not sure that would work. It was still bubbling just as well as when it was started. I doubt any one of us, unless they have a REALLY large bio-load will have to change it that often.
I would be interested in knowing how long anyone has gone without changing the airstone without a major change in skimming output.
Anyone, anyone?
Originally Posted by KAT74
Oh Lord & Taylor! So the airstone that needs replacing "monthly" is a pain to get out??
..... grrrrrreat!~


Nope. No smell.
Originally Posted by ecooper
Does this skimmer produce any type of smell? I want a Biocube for my office. It's a small office and don't want a skimmer that's going to stink up the place...


Originally Posted by sazarac
I got a better result now with the bubble level higher.
I got a light green tea today and it looked a little "oily".
It wasn't thick though. Should it be?
Also will this affect corals in a negative way?
I'd like to try some softies later next year.
Thanks for all the info.
Cup up higher...Thicker Foam. Cup down lower.....More liquid. I use the Sapphire Aquatics skimmer and think these all-one-one units should come stock with skimmers. Maybe even a redesign to include a small refug.


Ah, ok, I haven't tried that trick yet. I took it out for a bit. I think I'll put it back once the fish is in there. I really don't think it is doing much with just a couple of corals and some snails.
I agree on the 'fuge whole heartedly! That would be great. I don't know about the skimmer. I don't see what it would hurt though. I looked at the Sapphire quite a while back. But the price turned me off.
Originally Posted by Snaredrum
Cup up higher...Thicker Foam. Cup down lower.....More liquid. I use the Sapphire Aquatics skimmer and think these all-one-one units should come stock with skimmers. Maybe even a redesign to include a small refug.


Active Member
Hey folks. Got my Oceanic skimmer 6 days ago. At first it gave me clear water. Just two days ago I see the water start to show a little green tint. Today the water actually has a brown tint. Skimmer do need a break in period of about a week usually before they build up a coating on the inside that help in the skimming. The only thing I don't like about it is the size of the cup. Won't hold much. Right now I am emptying mine every day because I want to see whats in it. I think it could go for three days but have not tried any longer that a day time frame yet. I was running a Sapphire skimmer in chamber 2 but wanted to put some chaeto in there. I fabricated a little hanger with a small platform on it that hangs on the wall between 1 and 2 inside of 2 that has a pc. of filter material on it. The overflow from one flows right on to it. No more waterfall noise and still getting the mechanical filtration without the stock filter pad in there. Also have a bag of purigen and chemipure elite in chamber 2 with the chaeto. For a light I got the azoo palm light that is clamped on the wall between chamber 2 and 3. I am running a Sunpod 150 watt metal halide light without the stock hood. I fabricated a net top from 3/8 inch pond netting and a plastic frame. I have the Rio 6 hf pump in chamber three with my ato floats. here is a link to my tank if you would like to look.
Great information from all of you. Keep posting, but I think this little skimmer is a good alternative to the more expensive options.


New Member
I bookmarked this thread a while ago as I was setting my my 29 biocube (which has grown to 2 biocubes now)
Lots of good info in here. I heard negative things about the fission and the biocube skimmer, but here's a group of people using it effectively so I'm thinking I might grab one online.
One thing I was wondering...has anyone considered modding the collection cup for an overflow drain? I'd have to hold it in my hand to see the best way to do it, but it would seem to be pretty simple to put a small hole, fitting, and some airline tubing running down to a 20oz plastic bottle so it doesn't have to be emptied each day or 2nd day. Seems easy, but maybe it's not possible.
I have mine in my basement facing my home office set up since I work from home on our companies VPN a few days a week. Behind the tank, is a shorter table that holds the light for my DIY 2nd chamber refugium.
One other questions to the folks who have this. Sounds like the suction cups are worthless. I modded the wall from 1st to 2nd chamber to allow greater flow. I'm just wondering if anyone else did this and has the BC Skimmer and if so, how did you affix it. I thought about getting a thin strip of plastic, cutting it to fit in the old grooves for the stock filter (it would be 1/2" or so) and the waterflow would go through under this actually so it wouldn't affect each other.


Hi reefitup,
If you do any mods, please post how well they work and show some photos. It sounds like the hanging mod of the skimmer could be pretty helpful. ;)
Originally Posted by reefitup
I bookmarked this thread a while ago as I was setting my my 29 biocube (which has grown to 2 biocubes now)
Lots of good info in here. I heard negative things about the fission and the biocube skimmer, but here's a group of people using it effectively so I'm thinking I might grab one online.
One thing I was wondering...has anyone considered modding the collection cup for an overflow drain? I'd have to hold it in my hand to see the best way to do it, but it would seem to be pretty simple to put a small hole, fitting, and some airline tubing running down to a 20oz plastic bottle so it doesn't have to be emptied each day or 2nd day. Seems easy, but maybe it's not possible.
I have mine in my basement facing my home office set up since I work from home on our companies VPN a few days a week. Behind the tank, is a shorter table that holds the light for my DIY 2nd chamber refugium.
One other questions to the folks who have this. Sounds like the suction cups are worthless. I modded the wall from 1st to 2nd chamber to allow greater flow. I'm just wondering if anyone else did this and has the BC Skimmer and if so, how did you affix it. I thought about getting a thin strip of plastic, cutting it to fit in the old grooves for the stock filter (it would be 1/2" or so) and the waterflow would go through under this actually so it wouldn't affect each other.


Active Member
No pic, but if you take the collection cup off you will be looking at the top cap. It has a hole in the center with a raised rim around the hole. the bubbles should be just to the top of the rim, not going over. You should be able to take the collection cup off and see the bubbles stopping just at the top of that rim.