New Pico Tank Build


The tanks looking good! We are seriously thinking about getting one and for once just taking it real slow and not adding any live stuff for a while. Brooke wants to eventually do seahorses in it. We went to a lfs that had a pico with a ton of seahorse in it.


Active Member
Thanks man. A horsie tank would be awesome. This one started it's life a an attempt at a copepod tank. So it had a litle bonus of time for it to cycle from that original setup.


Active Member
The new coral of the week is Neil's broke and needs to pay off some debt. That and I'm waiting on my tax return to see if I'm going to combine the 24 and the pico into my 40. Which could be even more exciting!
However I FINALLY found some cerith snails locally. I've never been able to find em in OC at a LFS. So I threw two in the pico and a few in the nano.


Active Member
So the good news is work is busy, hence hwy I haven't been on here alot. The bad news is I got NO tax return which means no 40 gallon start. I was waiting for that to get it started. Anyways here's some new pics of the pico. Everyone is pretty happy.

Let me know what you guys think. Did a bit of rearranging the other day, and put in a half unit of Chemi pure elite in exchange for the typical filter/carbon in the biowheel, earlier was having some cyano issues and it cleared up!


Looks you just have the one fish? Are you going to add any more rock? IMO a little more on top would be great too....I like caves :)


Active Member
Thank you meowzy and yes it is just the one fish.
I had originally wanted to add more rock but wasn't sure what rocks the corals were going to come on. So I guess it could be time for a few new pieces to add some depth and caves.


Active Member
+1 on the rock. but i must say the tank is like woah bro!
really nice and the zoas and rics with acans are sweet! are you feeding the acans????


Active Member
Thanks dude! I am looking for some more unique ric's to get, so far I have the most generic colors.
As far as the acans go, I feed them mysis shrimp about once every two weeks but the food gets stolen by the cuc and the sexy shrimp about half the time.
I think I should ramp that up a bit and need to start feeding them at night when they're feeding tentacles are more exposed.
BTW - I took mom's advice and got another 1 1/2 pound of live rock
I'll upload some pictures in a minute


Active Member
sweet cant wait! maybe you will need more
anyway try feeding them 3 times a week. i do that with mine and my acan is always having new babies!!!!


Active Member
So in order to avoid any die off, I just brought my own container to grab the rock. Hand picked premium fiji :)
