New Pico Tank Build


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Yeah, I think I will. Just may try it out on the side of my nano for a day, see what it pulls out of the water. But that one has a good refug..... this tanks just had the marineland HOB previously.


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Ok I finally got a chance to go through and rearrange my rockwork to hide the piping from the revised filters. The skimmer is working; and it has started to pull out a moderate amount of skim, and the bubble residue and liquid in the cup is sort of a brown/yellow color. So I think that means its starting to break in. No crazy skim yet, I hear that can take pu to two weeks with a new skimmer because of the oils or something.
Anyways without further ado heres the update; Let me know what you guys think.



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oh yeah and now that I have a beast of a skimmer I'm consiering getting another small fish; any thoughts for a 5.5, typically I'd say no but that skimmer is supposed to be good for up to a 40 gallon so I think it could handle two fish.
Any thoughts on a good one to go with a skittish firefish


Active Member
clown goby. but id say ur good with one fish. even running a big skimmer isnt really gonna help out even if it can handle it. i was using a oversized skimmer on a 10g and even though it was taking out everything, i had algae blooms and raised nitrates


Looks great...I love that mushroom in hte first I thought there was a scooter blennie on it
What is it??


Active Member
Thank you :) I think I'll stick to the one fish and just hold off on anything new till I make the tank combine happen.
Ok, here's a special order picture for the ladies :)


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So the skimmer is finally breaking in. It is working alot more consistantly and pulling out more skim. I have noticed that it occasionally pulls out athropods(sp?); I guess thats just the way it goes; a sacrifice for a cleaner tank. I still have a small amount of cyano on the sand, but it is nowhere near what it used to be. So I think the nurient level is finally dropping.
The next thing I'm thinking of doing is making a custom lid that doubles as a viewing window, I think this would be ok because of the large amount of aeration that occurs through the skimmer, I don't think it would be an issue to lose a bit of surface area to a viewer/lid


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Ok so I may have gotten too lax on this tanks maintenance for a few months and it kinda turned into an ugly red color everywhere! Anyways it was just a bit of excess phosphates causing some red algae over the corralline. So a few weeks ago I broke it down and did a 40% water change and full cleaning. Now back to doing 1 gallon changes a week. So the good news is only one of my Yumas has died and everything else has hung on( maybe a lil smaller), but they definitley can be brought back. Oh and the tiny goby dissapeaered. So I gt an electric blue damsel to add some life to the tank for now while it gets back to glory.
Anyways here's a pic. Hopefully I'll have more colorful ones again soon!


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So my sexies have always been very territorial. Today I saw this. Very calm and complacent next to each other. Any significance to this behavior change?