New Reef Tank Progression (Pics)


Active Member
As of today all I have is the tank, but I'm gonna be moving fast so check back for more pics!
The Pic is kinda small, ill try to make the other ones bigger. My Tank: 40 gallon 36x18x16


Active Member
That's a great sized tank for a reef. Good luck, and I look forward to seeing your reef progress!


Active Member
hey!! i have the same one!!! 40 breeder right? My snowflake is going in there with my morron clown. And i have a few polyps and mushrooms there now with the clown. Waiting until the snowflake gets bigger.


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New Pictures of my tank and its new stand!! I ordered EVERYTHING else last night and it should be here within 7 days, I can't wait!



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My Tank With Water and my powerheads in it , left 5 gallons of room for when i put LR + LS in

Side view with little sand from the buckets and the powerheads (in temporary positions, just wanted to try out wavemaker system)

My 40 lbs of live sand that im adding once i get my live rock (ordering online tonite)


Active Member
how many then, 60? the pic is of a 20# bag, i have two of um. for a 1.5 inch sand bed for my dimensions it said 39.8 lbs.


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Tank with Aqualight Pro HQI 10000k, powercompact, lunar light combination. 150 watt metal halide bulb, 2 65 watt power compact, and 2 lunar lights.

Close Up

Far Away View lol

I'm adding live rock and live sand tommrow so stay tuned! lol


Tank looks great, you might of wanted to add the sand before you added all the water... the water will get alot more cloudy since the sand will have to fall all the way to the bottom of the tank through all the water.
Some people add just a few gallons of water then put all the sand in... and slowly add all of the remaining gallons... water still gets cloudy, but seems to clear faster this way


Active Member
Well too late I guess lol, I'll try adding it as slow as possible tommrow. Do you suggest I put the sand first or rock first. I ordered the rock off a website (Dr..) and should be getting it tommrow. I've been told to do the rocks first then the sand, because it will stabalize the rock structure, but then won't the rocks be covered in sand... I think I'll do sand first, and then while the tank is clearing up be scrubbing the rock a little in a bucket of saltwater. Then add the rocks and push them into the sand. BTW I currently only plan on having LR, LS, a wavemaker, and a protein skimmer for filtration, also my protein skimmer will have a little bucket before it that will have some filtration media. I may invest in a fuge later, but for now is this good? Everyone told me it would be, just asking another oppinion.
And heres a pic of my tank with just moonlights!


Active Member
also since i opted to not get a sump yet, how would it clear up? the powerheads? because my protein skimmer and live rock is coming tommrow.