Originally Posted by
Hopefully, it doesn't come to that. I'd hate for you to lose such a cool, under-appreciated fish.
You said they're both eating frozen...I might have missed it, but I don't remember you saying exactly what kind of frozen foods they're eating.
If, by luck, they're taking silversides, I'd start by unthawing and cutting them in half. Then, soak them in either Garlic Guard (I've had great success with the product made by Kent Marine) or in Selcon and vitamins.
You could do the same with frozen or freeze dried krill, but I just don't think you'd get as much nutritional value as you would with the silversides.
My girlfriend told me to relay a message, by the way. She said she's never met you and hates you already because she's been hearing me, for the past 3 days, talk non stop about "Hey, I want a Scorpion tank..."..."hey, check this Scorpionfish out..."..."what would you think about setting up the 90gal as such...". lol I think you've given me the bug and I'm brain storming.
I am currently feeding fresh squid, scallops, shrimp, clams, and silversides, all soaked in kent garlic extreme, and selcon. His eyes appears to be healing, the wound is closed and his eye is clear it is just very swollen. He is still able to see out of it so I am pretty confident. I am watching him close, and I don't think there is any danger of losing him, I may consider doing a melafix treatment on him to speed healing it the swelling doesn't go down soon.
Please extend my most sincere apologies to your girlfriend, just let her know she is not alone, alot of people who have never met me still have a deep seated hatred for me
Besides you never know when I'll show up with a 12 pack and a bag full of scorpionfish.
Funny you should say that because I remember a similar conversation with my wife a while back when you posted pics of your dragon and had me searching the area for one. Part of me has to think they knew what they were getting into.