new set up


Originally Posted by david12
well im not waiting that long even if i have to risk it i have spend lost of money on my tank and stuff i buyed for it so i am putting fish in there even if it just a $10 one that i can look at why the tank cycle
.......You do realize the risk to you is only your few dollars...the risk to the fish is Torture and/or death
SW really needs patience.....


Originally Posted by david12
well im not waiting that long even if i have to risk it i have spend lost of money on my tank and stuff i buyed for it so i am putting fish in there even if it just a $10 one that i can look at why the tank cycle

That's sad.
Forum members, especially including Jstdv8 and Spanko spent their time and thoroughly responded to your 'help me please' cry for help and to just flat-out ignore their responses is sad. It's now obvious that you didn't get the response you wanted. Good luck to you.
P.S. At least they didn't totally waist their time....I read and learned. ;-)


hi i didnt mean what i sed yesterday it was really hot here in sydney yesterday and i was just abit anoyed that jumped in to the sait water fish tank thing without reading into as i was told that it was easy however as i am almost cycled thorw my tank and it looks like that i may only have to wait a week
intill every looks good in my tank i had my water tested today ok my ammonia is .25 my nitrite is at 0 my nitrate is 10. my ph is 8.0 to 8.2 my salinity is 32 i was told just to add a bit more sait and sed my tank should be cycled in mabye a few days but he sed max would be 9 days


by the way if i have nitrate in my tank at 10 does that mean i must of had nitrite in my tank before the nirate in my tank can go up to the 10 ?


if you have amonia then you will have nitrite next then you have not finished you cycle.
i know you said you did not mean what you said but let me just say that you have invested as much as the rest of us and patients is the key to this hobbie. even if your tank does cycle and you arre ready to go. you cant just fill your tank with fish it will be to much for the tank everything will die and you will cycle again. and you will be pissed off and after this happens a couple times and you are down a grand in fish maybe you will listen to the advice of people. or maybe you wont and you can go to your LFS listen to them they will bleed your wallet and leave you with a fu__ked up tank. good luck i hope lessons are learned.


today i added bio balls and took out the lillte white cude balls thingo that wherre in a net or some kind and i took the pet shop told me they are seeded but now it has kinda slowed down my filter and the waterisnt running as fast as it was what should i do ?


Keep watching the ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels. It sounds like you may be coming to the end of the cylce or you may have done something that will cause it to do another cycle all over again. From what I gather chemicals are not very stable compared to just letting it cycle on its own. Speeding up the process sometimes just amkes the system unstable instead of doing what it says it does on the package. If your ammonia stays at .25 or below and your nitrates do not go up in the next week or so and your nitrites stay at or below 10 you may be ok. Its a little shakey becuase like I said the chemicals may be unstable and show wierd numbers. A number of 10 or less perferably 0 on the nitrates is acceptable. the ammonia and the nitrites really need to be at 0. The .25 that you are reading should turn into nitirites shortly if your bacteria is building correctly.
This is the best possible advice that we can give you. You just have to be patient like the rest of us. If you throw fish in there just because you want to they will likely die and then you will have a new ammonia problem beacuse of the dead fish and the whole cycle wills tart over again. ammonia and nitrites are extremely toxic to fish. We are not trying to single you out or anything, we just like to see people get to a point where they can be proud to have a nice established tank that is being taken care of and the livestock is afforded a little time and effort towards thier health.
As far as your question concerning the bio balls, im afraid i don't know much about them, Im sure if you present a possitive additude towards seting your tank up responsibly that someone who knows will come along and give you some more sound advice.


thanks i am learning i think it has came down even more its starting to turn yellow abit but not quite and my water doesnt smell as much as it did it the first 6 /7 days of cycling the water looks cystal clear its getting a bit brown on the slide of walls however but the water looks really good yeah not much more i can really say now


The brown could be Diatom Algae. I recommend not cleaning the glass for a week or just cleaning the front pane of glass. This will help the algae establish and filter the tank a little bit faster. Will look like crap, but it will quickly run out of food and disappear. Check your Ammonia and Nitrite in a couple days, or when the Diatom Algae really takes off. If your Ammonia and Nitrite are 0 and ONLY when they are 0 you can add in a couple Hermit Crabs for some movement in your tank. I know how hard it is looking at an empty tank.


yeah, I had the brown algae take off like crazy in my tank. it started on one rock and spread like wildfire within a few days it was covering everything including my powerhead. went for about a week and then I came home one day and it was all dead and by 2 days later its hardly noticeable at all.
I was excited becuase I actually had something growing in my tank for the first time LOL


when i have been testing ammonia today it has been a really light green or a light yellow it is not macthing the colours when i test for it what am i doing


its most likely just in between a certain perameter. so if your scale goes 0,.25,.5,.75, 1 it might be like .35 or something


I dont know what your colors mean for your test kit, so my number was just fictional


yeah well yellow means none so i guessing it would be down i have been waiting a good while now to add fish


what do u mean if my tank isup if your bacteria is building correctly. i have been waiting have been waiting a preety long time it well better be


Just keep checking it every day or every other day. when your ammonia, nitrites are down to 0 and your nitirates are at least 10 or less then you should hopefully be safe to add fish.
its been 15 days for you, which im sure seems like an eternity but when it comes to saltwater setups its really not.
Mine has been going for nearly a month and my ammonia and nitrites are gone my nitrates are coming down, they finally got to 10 last night. however i checked my phosphates and found them to be fairly high so Im removing them first. nad my calcium and alkalinity are a bit out of whack too. AS much as i'd like to go get some fish to drop in there so I can look at something other than snails, its just not the right thing to do. You just have to wait it out.
Have you got a list of any sort of what type of fish you would like to keep?


hi i just wanna kept mabye two clown fish and one of those small pink yellow fish or mabye just a few goby fish sence i got got 10 gallon tank i think it is 11 gallon but i just say that or mabye two yellow tail damels they look nice as well or there are two green coulour fish that are like damels but a other name