
Active Member
Originally Posted by Heart & Sole
wow that ray looks great...looks like hes trying to eat you shark in the last pic

I'm going to try and post a video of happens quite often and I am not sure what the ray is trying to do. The shark doesn't seem to mind when the ray is on top of him. Almost as if the ray is acting like a cleaner wrasse. Very strang when it happens..


Active Member
Originally Posted by azul1994
Wow! That is an awesome ray.

I was told that they were hard to keep, but this one is doing well after 1 year. I am very happy as it is a very pretty specimen, a favorite of the kids that come by.
Originally Posted by goodwin9
I was told that they were hard to keep, but this one is doing well after 1 year. I am very happy as it is a very pretty specimen, a favorite of the kids that come by.
Well the type you have is very hard to keep (Taeniura lymma). The lymma is much more avaible but most people get the hardier kind (Dasyatis kuhlii).
Congrats on such a good job and keep up the good work!


Goodwin, how do you go about sticking your arm in the tank... For say... feedings, or cleaning the sand, or moving the sand, or rocks, etc etc...
Do you stick your arm in? Are those barbs on the ray poisonous? And are the sharks aggressive at all?


Active Member
Originally Posted by rainmkr07
Goodwin, how do you go about sticking your arm in the tank... For say... feedings, or cleaning the sand, or moving the sand, or rocks, etc etc...
Do you stick your arm in? Are those barbs on the ray poisonous? And are the sharks aggressive at all?
I don't have a problem putting my hand in the tank. The ray loves to be fed by hand. I'm not sure about the barbs. I am careful to avoid finding out! The shark on the other hand, stay mostly at the bottom of the tank and has very poor eyesite. Both the ray and shark keep the sand well stirred up and I don't mess with it.


Active Member
im just wondering when your get a ray de-barbed does the barb ever come back? the rays at the moa that u touch are all de barbed so i was just wondering if they had to keep de barbing them or if its just a one time deal


Active Member
Originally Posted by FishyGurl
im just wondering when your get a ray de-barbed does the barb ever come back? the rays at the moa that u touch are all de barbed so i was just wondering if they had to keep de barbing them or if its just a one time deal
When I received this Blue Spot ray, the barb had been clipped. If you look closely in this picture, you can see the tip of the barb is missing.

You can see clearly see in the second picture that it now has grown back the original, along with a second. I was first told that this ray proably came from a petting tank, but a more reasonable explanation was that it was cut prior to shipping to prevent it from puncturing the shipping bag.


Active Member
Quick up date on the Wabbegong. This recent pictures shows that the shark has grown a couple of inches in the last 15 months since it first arrived. Still doing well in the tank.
