New Stand and canopy for customers 470


Active Member
i'll bet u anything that those two are the same person or husband and wife or something like that


Your right Frank is the customer, and is very excited. He is hoping to fill it this weekend.
The tank is low iron 3/4" glass. I build custom tanks in my shop
I build the tank stands with a number of 6" wide strips cut out of the back for ventilation and also makes it easier to get to the electric.
It took about 5 hours to do the initial plumbing, however we only dry fit everything Frank still had to glue everything.
Thanks for the great comments I could use a little boost as my health is keeping me from doing much cabinet work at this time.
Maybe I'll have the surgery I need so I can continue.
drea and Crox just give me a call or email me when you are ready and I'll see what we can do.