New stuff has arrived :)

Cool new additions. Im glad your shrimp worked out. I got a cleaner shrimp yesterday. Drip aclimated for over 2hrs and it died within 30 minutes of being in my tank.


Originally Posted by novahobbies http:///forum/thread/379923/new-stuff-has-arrived/20#post_3304337
No pics of the conch? That lemonpeel looks fantastic, she's got beautiful blue on her!
Now go buy a QT tank. ;-)
LOL...If you really want one....I took one...just didn't post it (but it's on my computer at home)
Originally Posted by AquaKnight http:///forum/thread/379923/new-stuff-has-arrived/20#post_3304360
Tongue corals are in the Fungiidae family, so they are very similar to plate corals. On the sand is where they should be. They are capable of basic locomotion (puffing up and then deflating), so they can adjust themselves somewhat. All like Fungiidae, they only get around 80% of their nutrients from zooxanthellae, so they need feed occasionally.
There are two types of Tongue corals Herpolitha spp. and Polyphyllia spp. Herpolitha's have a long groove in the center of the coral, a mouth like a plate coral. Poly's don't (well, they do, but it's not visible like the others). I believe yours is a Polyphyllia
. If there is infact a 'spot' on the front of the coral, definitely keep an eye on it. Generally tissue recession on any Fungiidae
, is not good at all, and it just being shipped, could have been banged around.
Thanks.....YOU SEE A SPOT

I also believe mine is the poly cause there is no center mouth.....It looked good this morning....had a "tongue" full of little polyps LOL
Originally Posted by spanko
Here is part of a table done on another site. It was an informal question to people keeping angel fish and if they turned out to be safe with coral or not. Just listed the Lemonpeel here. The whole table includes about 45 different species.



# Safe

# Not Safe


% Safety

Notes on Safe Fish

Notes on Not Safe Fish














1 not safe with SPS







Thanks Henry.....I don;t have sps in the I am feeling pretty good about this fish so far....


the tongue seems happy


The leather is open even more today

AND this pic is just for Novahobbies



YAYYYYY....can't wait to see your pics
I have a dumb question.....should I put algae sheets in the 54G for the lemonpeel? It is an angel afterall :)


Active Member
I plan on giving mine some algae sheets...I think mine is going to be hard to take a hides and moves anytime i go near the tank and it's just in qt,


Originally Posted by Gemmy http:///forum/thread/379923/new-stuff-has-arrived/40#post_3304917
I plan on giving mine some algae sheets...I think mine is going to be hard to take a hides and moves anytime i go near the tank and it's just in qt,
YUP....MINE loves the caves.....will not come out if I am near the tank....thank goodness today she is coming out in front more.....she was hanging out in the back of the tank


Well-Known Member

If you have allot of algae you want the fish to eat don't give it easy food on algae sheets. If however you have just a small amount of algae...feed it so it does not decide to nip at coral out of hunger. They are not a shy fish, they are very bold...but they constantly stay on the go.
They need a diet with sponge in it too. So you might need to get angelfish food to supplement the diet.


HMMM...I'll order some of that next time I get food....I use to buy mega marine angel before I switched to the H20 foods
I think I will try a small algae sheet tomorrow....we'll see how it goes


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/thread/379923/new-stuff-has-arrived/40#post_3304548
AND this pic is just for Novahobbies

Wow I feel all special and stuff!
That's a really nice looking conch. I had three in my 110g tank, but they're hard to find here in south florida right now for some reason (and I'm too lazy to order one) so I transferred two of them into the seahorse tank for the trip up north. I don't think I'm going to get much for the snails and hermit crabs anyway.


UPDATE....the leather is looking GOOD
I think the tongue does too :) and the last pic is a Pagoda Rock Frag....The row of polyps on the bottom are all new growth



UPDATE....The lemonpeel is doing great....likes the back of the tank a little too much though....she's very active in and out of the caves too. I have only seen her pick at rocks and glass.(YAY)
I put an algae sheet in there, and NO ONE seems to want anything to do with it

QUESTION: How long should I leave it in there??? (or does it matter)


It took me a long time to get any of my dwarfs to eat off the clips.
I always just leave it in there, sooner or later something will eat it..... I could be wrong, but I've had no ill effects from it.