
Active Member
I'll bet he lives. I've seen other yellows with SEVERE Hlle survive without difficulty. However he will probably not regrow his fins or regenerate that scar tissue. My guess is that, if you take care of him, he'll be fine. But he'll probably always look similar to how he looks now.


Active Member
just wondering... did you ever find out just what happened to it? Any type of story at all? .... what it brought in by a bum or a five year old, etc?


A young lady brought him in said she has had him for 4 years i a 29 gallon tank.Somebody gave her a fish a few weeks ago and when she got back from a week long trip for work this is what happened.Also she is a biologist
But I don't think she is telling the whole story.I talked to her for awhile and this was not the first fish she has brought back looking bad.


Yeah I don't trust her at all.She works for the VIRGINIA state parks and I hope she gets out of this hobby..


Active Member
yeah, 4 yrs in a 29 gal... uhoh.. and then ??gone for a week?? and that's what was there when she got back??? I'm sure it looked wonderful before she left. And as if her being home was keeping it from whatever happened "while she was gone".... disgusting.
And she's coming to the store you work at? Is it a private store? Any way to deny her from getting more fish? by talking to the owner, etc?


Wish I worked there but not enough money for me.The man that runs the store does not know much about fish just that he needs more money.In the next 4 years I hope to have my own store.


Active Member
I have a YT in my 29 (just till my 125 clears up from Ich). He will kill anything I put in there (though him and my clowns are best buds). What did she put in there? A tessalata Eel?


Active Member
Good for you! The tang is looking better from the first pic to the second. Nice job for trying to save a fish that was on its way out!


Originally Posted by AquaKnight
I have a YT in my 29 (just till my 125 clears up from Ich). He will kill anything I put in there (though him and my clowns are best buds). What did she put in there? A tessalata Eel?
She said it was some kind of Chromis S she could not think of the full name just knew it started with a S


Originally Posted by wattsupdoc
Thats horrible, the poor thing can barely swim. Kuddos to you my friend!

Call him wobbles!

Guess he has a new name
As of know he is feed 3 times a day.He looks alot better and eats more than all 6 of my kids.
If his fin don't heal up all the way I will keep him in the 65 was thinking about putting him in the 150 when I get it up but not sure yet depends on how good he can swim in the furture..