
Active Member
I just watched the video. Yeah! Go wobbles!!
Concerning the larger vs smaller tank. I would wonder if - either way, big or small, if it would like less flow than usual so it doesn't have to fight the currents as much.
And I thought it was classic in the video... "you can video... why don't you video?" ... "I am"....


Originally Posted by Hefner413
I just watched the video. Yeah! Go wobbles!!
Concerning the larger vs smaller tank. I would wonder if - either way, big or small, if it would like less flow than usual so it doesn't have to fight the currents as much.
And I thought it was classic in the video... "you can video... why don't you video?" ... "I am"....

Thats a woman for you.I was think in a smaller tank he would not have to work so hard looking for food.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jhawk
Thats a woman for you.I was think in a smaller tank he would not have to work so hard looking for food.
Yeah, maybe not. And probably will end up being quite happy with his 65 that I'm sure he's adjusting to. And I doubt he will ever be a very big YT.


If he grows some fins back might make the 150 his tank with him as the main fish with a school of firefish and some goby.Won't have the 150 up till summer we are thinking about moving to GA this year so everything is on hold till then still getting the 65 up in about 3 weeks waiting on some more sand and have to get everything off the 150 so I can get all the rock and corals moved over to the 65.We are keeping him in the 29 until he starts to look better.Wish I would of put him in the OT but I have a badd $ss damels in it for now.Already have everything for the 65 just want to buff it before I fill plus have to get some help to move the big tank from NC my truck only has a 4 foot beed and the tank is 48L-24W-31T need to make in in 1 trip


No he was a freinds fish thats was killing his new Sailfin so I took him and put him in my QT to help keep a bunch of live sand alive till after X-mas that when I'm moving everybody thats in the 29 to the 65.Just to much going on now to mess with moving tanks plus my brother need to get the 150 shut down so I can get it home.All the part on it will be use on the 65 so I can save some money.


awww poor thing....i think he will be fine know looks like he has him self a good home and should be able to grow his fins back....
GOOD LUCK I WISH YOU THE BEST....Nothing like a free fish


Originally Posted by Hefner413
so you keeping the damsel for good? uh oh :eek:( You are a nice friend if you are!
Yeah Thinking about doing a tank of mean guys


Originally Posted by goingpoor
awww poor thing....i think he will be fine know looks like he has him self a good home and should be able to grow his fins back....
GOOD LUCK I WISH YOU THE BEST....Nothing like a free fish

Yeah he has a home for life but I never really liked YT so I guess he is real lucky.I only like 2 tang the Sailfin Tang and the Naso.


Staff member
The larger tank is a better choice for a tang. But he should be ok where he is for the short term. The fins should regenerate, especially if you use zoecon.


I have been using zoecon on his food plus I guess he will be in the bigger tank soon getting the 65 up all I have to do now is buff it out.Then in the summer when we move he will go in the 150.


Just a few shot of Wobbles I think he looks better than the day I got him.He is alot more yellow in real life plus his side are starting to plump up


Active Member
Looking good! - Relatively speaking. You know, he might end up looking like a pretty cool fish? Pretty unique either way!
BTW - you kinda need to update the date on your camera


Staff member
He has a long way to go yet, but its real good that he's eating. That's half the battle. Just be sure that what he is eating is top quality, and meets the needs of the species.


Originally Posted by Hefner413

BTW - you kinda need to update the date on your camera

I was lazy tonite but will fix it just for you.


Originally Posted by Beth
He has a long way to go yet, but its real good that he's eating. That's half the battle. Just be sure that what he is eating is top quality, and meets the needs of the species.
Yeah I know we have a long way to go but atleast I know he has a chance.Been reading about tangs alot this week to find out more about them I was not ready for a tang but think have everything worked out for this guy just hope he keeps getting better.Will keep everybody posted on Wobbles as he gets better.