Originally Posted by
Danedodger, sorry if you thought I was referring to you. I was actually anticipating the DVST8R's of the board chiming in. If he had bothered to READ my post he'd have known that I wasn't too crazy about the quickie method I took, although it seems to be doing ok so far. He also would have noticed that I asked a simple question. How long for the water to clear, which I've found out should be 2 to 3 weeks.
I already have a test kit. A test kit won't tell me how long it will take for the water to clear.
In any event I'm outta here. I don't know why I bother joining message boards, I always end up in flame wars with people who spend more time searching the boards for posts to impose their "wisdom" on than actually enjoying their hobbies!
Many simply want to correct mistakes. There are many paths you can take that will increse the odds for success. I would think that would be the goal of the responsible hobbyist...to be successful.
Cloudy water can be casued by many things including bacteria blooms. You need to test ALL your water parameters and make sure they are within acceptable limits.
Your best plan of action would be to return the two fish to the lfs and allow your tank to cycle/settle.
You also requested for us to ASSUME the tap water was of "decent" quality. Unless you have information stating exactly what is in your tap...this also could be contributing to your problem of cloudy water. Water conditioners do not remove all the undesirables. Also, you stated you had this problem (I assume with other systems) regarding cloudy water. The tap water could be your source. many other contributiors such as overfeeding and also additives which you are using.
Both of the animals you added require mature systems...so taking them back would be the responsible thing to do.
In trying to clear your water, running some carbon will help...but the fact you stated "as usua" l the water is cloudy leads me to beleive there is a constant factor(s) that remain present.
test kits will not tell you how long for the water to clear but it will tell you if the parameters are within acceptable limits. No one can give you an informed opinion if you do not even know your water condtion.......which can be arrived at by using test kits.
I thought enjoying the hobby included taking paths that will increase the odds for success where bith the hobbyist and fish/animals are happy.
Unfortunately, you have selected a path that is not one most likley to succeed.
I do not care if you are still here....but others reading may benefit. This is why many will respond pointing out problems. Some do so in a harsh way. Simply ignore them if you'd like.....but ignoring the advice is a mistake.
But you appear to have the answers and refuse to consider informed views. THere are many people with lots of experience on this board.
Best of luck