New Tank


Active Member
Do a check later on first and see where you are at. When doing a water change it is a good idea to get in the habit of doing all your maintenance at once, clean filters, blow detritus off rocks, clean the glass, then do the water change while all of the gunk is suspended in the water column. You have a better chance of removal then.

blue eye

I just got done testing it this morning and it still shows as being 40ppm. I dont know what is wrong. The water is crystal clear, filters are clean, and i did the water change last sunday. It has not even been a week since the water change.
Any ideas. Please help.


Active Member
ouch still after all that? there is no trace of ammonia right? what is in your fluval? to tell you the truth blue, i hated my canister filters on my 75. i always had weird ass readings until recently i added a refugium. ever since then i have not have any problems with water. plus i save ALOT of money on media.


Active Member
Now that the Fluval is clean do a water change. I would start with 20%, wait a few hours and then test again.
Reread oist #241. Best to do all this cleaning at once to get an effect.

blue eye

Just got home from work, and found one of my hermit crabs dead. His shell was missing and just his body was dead on the sand.
What happened to him, i can not find his shell it might be under all the LR.
Any answers to this.

blue eye

Oh ok now i understand. Thx. I also add my fish back into the tank today. My freind brought them over to me just a little while ago. They are doing fine and swimming around like they never left my tank.

blue eye

I also added my Seaclone 100 skimmer on this morning. It is werid using it, it has not got anything in the collection cup at all. Its been on my tank for about 8 hours so far. I dont know what wrong with it.

blue eye

Also my Nitrate is still at 40ppm after so long. I also did my waterchange yesterday, and cleaned all my fliters and glass, etc.......... What is wrong where am i going wrong, or what am i doing. I am going to take water to get it tested some else and see what they get cause i have had 40ppm for like my last 5 times i have tested my water.VERY WERID TO ME.................................


Active Member
Yup take some to the LFS and let them test it for you. Not unheard of to have a bad reagent in your test kit.