New Tank

blue eye

Oh ok, yea the one i got is from *****. I tested it today and the PH is 8.2, and Specific gravity was at 1.023. I did the water change today, about 20 % so farightr it looks good, but my Calcium levels are at 520, any idea on this and how to lower them. I still do have any corline alge growing so i dont know why they are that high. what should i do. Now with the water change this should also lower my nitrates from 40ppm, to a lower number.


Active Member
im pretty sure the waterchange you did will help lower the calcium level a bit.. Someone might need to chime in on this.. hehe


Active Member
Yes water changes will help to lower it, but with the new rock I would not worry about calcium at that level, will help the coralline growth. Can't help on the Nutriseawater in Baltimore. I get mine from local fish stores.

blue eye

Oh ok thanks, i will check my LFS and see if they have it and also DRS. Foster and Smith. They might have it. Again thanks

blue eye

I have a question. I want to know how to go about cleaning my Fuval 205 canister filter that i have hooked up on my 30 gal saltwater tank. Should i empty the water out of it and use it to clean the filter sponges and then just hook it back up and use tank water to fill the canister and then top of the tank with water i have in my 5 gal bucket, that is the same temp as my tank.
Also i heard that canister filter can some time cause high Nitrate reading when esting water parameters? Is this true.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Blue Eye
I have a question. I want to know how to go about cleaning my Fuval 205 canister filter that i have hooked up on my 30 gal saltwater tank. Should i empty the water out of it and use it to clean the filter sponges Yuppersand then just hook it back up and use tank water to fill the canister and then top of the tank with water i have in my 5 gal bucket, that is the same temp as my tank. or fill the canister with the change water from the bucket then start the system back up and top off the tank.
Also i heard that canister filter can some time cause high Nitrate reading when testing water parameters? Is this true.No the canister itself does not cause high nitrates, lack of maintenance does. That is why you do the cleanings at least once per week or more if you have a large bioload.
Doin good bud, keep asking questions.

blue eye

Thanks Man, I just got done doing my cleaning in my tank and also cleaned my Fuval 205 today. It was dirty. How long should i wait before i do my water test to check if my Nitrates have droped from 40. I hope that was the issue and they will lower.
What do u think.


Active Member
Did you do a water change too? If not you may see the nitrates go up as you may have introduced some more gunk from the Fluval into the water column.