New Tank

get it up before it cycles. Ph buffer should do the job, but Idk, I've never had issues with my Ph
your lfs should have mysis and phyto. Mysis has to be kept frozen (I think, the type I feed my clown is), but the phyto I have came in a bottle, and can be room temp


Active Member
ok meaning almost gonna hit 2 weeks in 4 days. ok like happity said buy ph buffer it will raise your ph. what about your other readings?
just wait, if they arent going anywere in a week or so, maybe do a water change. but only if one of your levels is way way high. Yeah, I'd get the buffer though.
Do you have cured lr? It may help the cycle speed along if you do. Also, the more lr, the better, you should try and get 20 to 25 more lbs. It helps wih the bioload.

blue eye

I dont know if it is cured i bought it from my LFS. i will also go and get more live rock, and add it to the tank. How can i tell if th LR is cured?


Active Member
you can tell if the lr is cured if it came from an establish tank. the lr they sell in your lfs is a tank filled with lots of lr. so its not
cured lr usually has coraline on it already too.
and hitchikers :D oh yeah!
try and get cured lr for the rest of your lr. It will make the rock you have in there come to life faster, and it will help establish all your bugs and critters that are all part of it

blue eye

Should i also get some Bio spria to add to the tank or is that not a good idea. What does bio spria do for the tank

blue eye

So when i go to my lfs i should ask for cured live rock, does it look different from the lr that is not cured


Active Member
well your lfs may not sell you cured lr. they are sometimes mean. just ask your friends if they will sell you a little. and remember to get chemipure elite. it will help your tank alot. just post pics.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Blue Eye
ok sounds good. I realy want to thank you guys for all the great help you have gave me on this thread.
no problem man! glad to help! if you have any problems or questions let us knw