New to fish...


Test Results: 4/21/09
pH looks 7.8-7.9
Ammonia .25
Nitrite looks like 1.0..this one i am not kinda looks like the 5.0 as well
Nitrate looks like 10
Test Results: 4/26/09

pH: 7.8
Ammonia: .25
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 20


Active Member
looks like the same readings.
did the nitrites ever come up?
if not the rock didnt start the cycle put a little frozen fish food in the tank.
the ph is low ,do a 20% water change ,check the ph in the new saltwater beore you add it.
after the change add the food mysis or a piece of raw shrimp.
you need to get the cycle going ,it doesnt look like it has.


Active Member
just a frozen cube.mysis ,krill or shrimp.
you can get the cube pack at ***** .then use the rest to feed the fish you get.


ok so how do I go about changing the water....I have only tap water.. or should i really go to the store and get some distilled do i test the pH...with just the water before i place it in ?


Active Member
i assume you have a ph test kit?
mix some new saltwater .let it mix for a day with a pump.
then test the ph.
alot of people use tap water for thier tanks.
i dont because i think it causes algea problems.
i have never used distilled water.
what brand salt do you use?
most lfs sell mixed saltwater ,just need to get a 5 gallon jug.
lfs water is usually around $1-$1.30 a gallon .
might be better off to get two jugs and have some spare saltwater already on hand.


I have no idea where to get a 5 gallon i tried walmart they have a 2.5 any ideas ? Also I am using a brand called Seachem Marine Salt..I do not have another pump for let one mix it while I lost lol..yes I have a pH test kit, I have the AFI one for marine tanks


Active Member
the lfs usually sells the jugs but are a bit pricy.$10 for 10 cents worth of plastic.i use the same test kit.
have you added food to the tank yet?
it will take you forever if the cycle wont start.
i am setting up my 30 qt today with food as seed for the cycle.
this hobbie gets expensive fast .a heater here a pump there.adds up fast.
i have over 20 yrs of old stuff sitting in totes .i just need to pull them out when i need another old pump for a while then put it back in storage.
i have 20 of those jugs stored ,i only use 1 or 2 anymore my mixing tank is next to my display tanks so i just pump the water now.
once you get addicted to this hobbie you will see that equiptment will add up.
post your water test again then if the ammonia or nitrites havnt come up yet put the food in.
it will take 4-6 days for the tests to come up with the food,then a couple weeks to get to zero,then its fish time.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Daftboy
ok i will not put anymore in then
Yea I was using it 2 weeks ago when my tank was cycling and I was told not to. Your PH should rise when you start your water changes. Well it did for me. Your cycle will be over before you know it. Just hang in there bud.


Active Member
the tanks ph will come up.
just need patience it bites to look at an empty tank for a month.
start to get your wish list of fish together before you go and impulse buy something that wont work in the tank you have.
the lfs will sell you anything they dont care.


Test Results: 4/21/09
pH looks 7.8-7.9
Ammonia .25
Nitrite looks like 1.0..this one i am not kinda looks like the 5.0 as well
Nitrate looks like 10
Test Results: 4/26/09
pH: 7.8
Ammonia: .25
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 20
Test Results: 4/30/09

pH: 7.8
Ammonia: .50
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 20
My list ...i think

Firefish Goby - Purple
Fridmani Pseudochromis
Spotted Cardinalfish
False Percula Clownfish ( I want one b/w one and a orange one..will they pair? )
Yellow Tang


Active Member
I agree with the tang as a no go. Tangs are open water swimmers and are quite active in the wild, they need quite a bit of swimming room and there is just no way you can provide that in your 28 gallon tank. Is there any other fish you think you would like instead of the tang? I am sure there are others in there that would be a good replacement.
Your tank should be in the cycle process for sure now. Keep testing about every third day or so and keep posting those results and soon enough it will be time to add your clean up crew and then fish shortly after.
Another idea for your tank, have you looked at the cleaner shrimp yet? A lot of people really enjoy them as they are quite fun to watch. After you get them you will not be able to stick your hand in the tank without your shrimp coming over to pick little "morsels" off of your hands.


how many cleaner shrimp will I need in a 28 gallon...i want to get some zebra blue crabs, emerald crabs fire shrimp and Mexican turbo snails