New to fish...


Nitrite hit around 4/21/09. Should be done cycling now! A lot of people like to wait until the tank is more "established", around 6 months to a year. Then they add corals and such. You could start out with a few easy ones like mushrooms or xenia and see how those go. Get a test kit for mag and alk.


Forgot to tell you i bought some LED's for night time watching is a OK picture for now...lmw what you think



OK so i have been having some issues... anyone want to help me or tell me why =] ...Over the past 2 weeks I have notice that my smaller snails have been not sure why but i think i counted like 2 margita and 3 or so others....the Turbo snails i have in there are doing fine...and until last week I only had 2 fish in there....i do water changes every 2 weeks and clean the filter at least every 2 sometimes more...This morning my scarlet red crab was dead i saw body parts every where other red crab is find though ( i had two) ..I did some water test and ill post result in a minute...The 3 fish I have are Purplefire fish, yellow tail damsel and a PJ Cardinal...any idea what might be going on..


Wow! all of a sudden your tank looks all grown up!
Looks great! I just saw your post today, How old was your tank when you got the coral and anomone?
I really want to get an anomone and a clown but I dont want to get them if my tanks not ready. Dont know if I should wait and get the two at the same time.
Did you have to get a calcium reactor and other extra equipment for the corals?
Looks Good!