New to fish...


Test Results: 4/21/09
pH looks 7.8-7.9
Ammonia .25
Nitrite looks like 1.0..this one i am not kinda looks like the 5.0 as well
Nitrate looks like 10
Test Results: 4/26/09
pH: 7.8
Ammonia: .25
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 20
Test Results: 4/30/09
pH: 7.8
Ammonia: .50
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 20
Test Results: 5/3/09

pH: 7.8
Ammonia: .0 to .25
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 20


ok well then that settles that...i let the test tubes sit around all day today and did not dump them...the Ph now looks like its at 8.2-8.3 and Ammonia is at these results even matter says to wait 5 min. before reading but do multi able hours count ?


Active Member
you should be fine with the damsel now.
those things can practiclly live in toilet water.
i leave my test out for a couple hours also.
the only test i notice to change is the nitrates.
just leave the damsel in there for at least a couple weeks and keep testing the water.
alot of people say damsels are nasty but i have had mine for 10 yrs and he has never bothered the other fish.but when you add more fish i would totally rearrange the rock when adding.


Put in:
2 Dwarf Blue legged crabs
3 Scarlet Crabs
2 Mexican Turbo snails
4 Margarita snails
4 Cerith snails


I did not read what every one told you but as you see there is a lot of help out there do YOUR research, I know plenty of people that use tap water ( they know what's in their tap water) I don't , that just what I mean by YOUR research there are things that you will have problems with and other people dont and vice versa JUST DONT DO ANYTHING TOO QUICKLY AND TEST TEST TEST and you should be good


How long to I see a change ....its been like this for some time
Test Results: 4/19/09
pH 7
Ammonia .50
Nitrite 4.0
Nitrate 10
Test Results: 4/21/09
pH looks 7.8-7.9
Ammonia .25
Nitrite 5.0
Nitrate looks like 10
Test Results: 4/26/09
pH: 7.8
Ammonia: .25
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 20
Test Results: 4/30/09
pH: 7.8
Ammonia: .50
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 20
Test Results: 5/3/09
pH: 7.8
Ammonia: .0 to .25
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 20
Test Results :5/7/09
Ammonia .5
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 20-30
Test Results :5/11/09
Ammonia .5
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 20-30


Active Member
what is the ph reading on the new saltwater befoer you add it to the tank.7.8 is a little low .it should be up by now.
nitrate are a bit high if it hit 50 might have some issues with the inverts.
looks like you had a little cycle from the rock so the tank should be good except for the nitrates.but a young tank sometimes takes a while to balance.
i would check the ph though.


Test Results: 4/19/09
pH 7
Ammonia .50
Nitrite 4.0
Nitrate 10
Test Results: 4/21/09
pH looks 7.8-7.9
Ammonia .25
Nitrite 5.0
Nitrate looks like 10
Test Results: 4/26/09
pH: 7.8
Ammonia: .25
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 20
Test Results: 4/30/09
pH: 7.8
Ammonia: .50
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 20
Test Results: 5/3/09
pH: 7.8
Ammonia: .0 to .25
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 20
Test Results :5/7/09
Ammonia .5
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 20-30
Test Results :5/11/09
Ammonia .5
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 20-30
Test Results :5/15/09
Ammonia 0-.25
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 20


Here is just some random pictures I took to show you guys...the other picture where not done with my real camera..these were..:)...Also the lighting is real bad in my den so its hard for me to get a action shot of the fish..Ill try again in the morning when there is more light

Also this started showing up today...what is it and should i be worried or how do I get rid of it ?

And these are my normal lights but with new 13000 Mh LEDs i ordered and mounted up...just drilled some holes and glue...etc..Also while viewing from the camera i noticed the light cycles between 2 this normal but not detected by the human eye ?



Active Member
the ammonia is definitly zero.
is the rock that color or is it the light?
i see you are getting ang algea bloom.
might want to start doing water whanges for that.
the nitrates are pretty high might be the reason the crab died.
the nitrtes wont hurt the fish at that level but it will help algea grow which you dont want obviously.


Active Member
never seen rock that is all pinkish like that i figured it was some weird lighting.
new tanks always go through an algea bloon keep the phosphates down and keep up the water changes and it will usually die off in a couple weeks.


Well just like to have a update tank seems to be doing well...i have not any problems ...only have 2 fish still Yellow Tail Damsel and a PJ...when do you think i can start putting in some plants and corals...i would like to put a sponge in there to add some color...any ideas LMK