New to Forum - My 225 Gallon Tank


Originally Posted by ccampbell57
Angel - This tank is AWESOME!!! I am an angel fanatic as well! I currently have an Emperor and a Blueface. I used to have a french angel but took her out a while back.
My newest plan is to get a 400-500g tank and have an angel only just like yours.
Do you have any pics of the goldflake?
The goldflake is in one of the photos in the background/lower portion.


Thank you all for the compliments.
Many have asked how I keep it so clean.
Frankly, doesn't always look like that.
The glass and background always stays clean through weekly magnet cleanings.
The rocks do get dirty and need bleaching once a month.
Stays looking that white for a week to two, then starts to gradually get darker until I can't take it anymore and I pull them out.
I do a 50% water change every three weeks or so and every once in a while, I do a 100% over two days.
During every water change, I sift the sand clean.
With so many fish, I have to.
Equipment helps.
I have a massive two tower ETSS Skimmer working hard for me with an Iwaki MD 55 RLT to pump massive volume of water to it.
Someone asked about what I feed.
I only provide them with one food, Spectrum.
That is all I have fed now for at least 4 yrs.


Active Member
nice fish! very good coloration, good choice in food.

the dead stark white corals give me the chills though. I dont think I could look at that everyday.
what type of sump system are you running? got any pictures? (other than the skimmers I mean)


Active Member
While this is not a tank design that I would personally select, I will say this, it's one of those tanks where the aquascaping is perfect for the fish selection, as the focus is on the Fish, not the tank or corals. Fantastic setup. I would also agree that with the $$$ invested in the livestock, that it's a much simpler process of taking care of the inhabitants as opposed to a tank loaded with LR, which would look like lumps of Brown rocks because the fish would devour everything....Great look tank and exceptionally healthy fish


Active Member
WOW!!!! Amazing colors and very nice tank!!!
As far as sifting the sand I was starting to think you would have a nitrate spike, BUT since you do very large water changes and probably sift the sand on a regular basis, I'm thinking don't run into such a problem. I'm so tempted to start sifting my sand because it's driving me nuts!
Even with a Sleeper Goby who sifts all day, it still doesn't keep it clean.


everythings so..... WHITE. looks like it belongs in a bachelor pad. realy nice looking tank though, i must say that my favorite is that huge emperor angel


Wowww, very clean and nice, love the fish selections....
So you only FEED them Spectrum, it seems is working, they llok very healthy and their coloration is beautifull.....I guess I should change my menu


Originally Posted by azfishgal
As far as sifting the sand I was starting to think you would have a nitrate spike, BUT since you do very large water changes and probably sift the sand on a regular basis, I'm thinking don't run into such a problem.
This is not conventional wisdom in this hobby so I warn all to please don't read if you are nervous about these things.
Something I learned many years ago, I threw out all test kits.
I have no clue what my water levels are.
Don't care.
Don't even monitor salinity.
For salt, 1 cup per 2.5 gallons. That gives me 1.019-1.020 salinity.
If it doesn't, fish have yet to complain.

Don't use buffers.
Don't test PH.
Don't test for Nitrates.
Have never acclimated any fish when going from hospital tank to show tank.
I swear.
More importantly, I don't have deseases for one reason and one reason only, I don't buy any fish.
Have had all these guys as much as 10 years now (Emperor) and a minimum of 3 (Clarion and Flame).
When I use to worry about all that stuff, things invariably use to go wrong.
When I stopped worrying and let things be, all began to remain peaceful.
I just concern myself with regular water changes and removal/cleaning of pads/skimmer.
Not saying this will work for all but heck, has worked for me.


Originally Posted by AAnthony
everythings so..... WHITE.

The middle and left side fire corals use to be light green.
Through time and bleachings, they too became white.
Works well with the blue background and brings lots of colors to our Florida home's family room.
Being in the business at the time and having access to countless items at wholesale, son and I also had a 75 gallon reef that was incredible.
Unforunately, hurricane Irene in '99 wiped it out as we lost power for many days.
I was barely able to keep this tank alive thanks to the car battery and a converter to circulate water via a small pump and lots of battery operated air stones.


Originally Posted by reefkprZ
what type of sump system are you running? got any pictures? (other than the skimmers I mean)
Never took photos of the sump area.
I guess will have to.
This is what runs the tank:
Sealife Systems 300 gallon wet dry
Iwaki 30 and its cousin the Blueline both run the tank
Iwaki 55 for the skimmer
ETSS 800 skimmer
Aquanetics 25w UV (water at about 75 gallons per hour for max kill)
Custom Sealife 1/3 HP chiller
4 Power Compacts (96w)


Active Member
Originally Posted by AngelMan
The goldflake is in one of the photos in the background/lower portion. looked like a flagfin. Beautiful


Active Member
Originally Posted by AngelMan
This is not conventional wisdom in this hobby so I warn all to please don't read if you are nervous about these things.
Something I learned many years ago, I threw out all test kits.
I have no clue what my water levels are.
Don't care.
Don't even monitor salinity.
For salt, 1 cup per 2.5 gallons. That gives me 1.019-1.020 salinity.
If it doesn't, fish have yet to complain.

Don't use buffers.
Don't test PH.
Don't test for Nitrates.
Have never acclimated any fish when going from hospital tank to show tank.
I swear.
More importantly, I don't have deseases for one reason and one reason only, I don't buy any fish.
Have had all these guys as much as 10 years now (Emperor) and a minimum of 3 (Clarion and Flame).
When I use to worry about all that stuff, things invariably use to go wrong.
When I stopped worrying and let things be, all began to remain peaceful.
I just concern myself with regular water changes and removal/cleaning of pads/skimmer.
Not saying this will work for all but heck, has worked for me.
I love that quote. I do the same thing for my 180g. The fish tell me when things need to be changed. My emperor especially will let me know when my readings are off.
I agree with the buying of new fish (although I just bought a new one


not my choice in decorations but i think its beautifull,and you have a awsome stock list,................ beautifull for a fish only tank..


Active Member
Fantastic looking tank! when I set up my 220 I went with fake decor, and lace rock, no live rock. I used all my live rock to make a reef, and never replaced it. And I cant see adding any now since the tank is doing great.