New to the salt Fish world, plz help


Originally Posted by Fretfreak13
I still think you havn't had a cycle yet, especially if you have a small ammonia reading and no nitrates. Did you leave the damsels in there? That might be the cause of the ammonia, too.
They are still in there and the hermits are loving them, when i bought the test kit from the LFS (same place i bought the LR) he said that i might not have much of a cycle because all the rock that i had bought from him was there for awhile and really well cured so it wouldnt have much die off.


Originally Posted by Zako
They are still in there and the hermits are loving them, when i bought the test kit from the LFS (same place i bought the LR) he said that i might not have much of a cycle because all the rock that i had bought from him was there for awhile and really well cured so it wouldnt have much die off.
The hermits are loving the damsels???

So they died too????


Originally Posted by Zako
Yea the damsels the fastest :/ the hermits are doing good tho
Can you clarify what you just are DEAD???? Hermits are not...cause they are eating the damsels???


Originally Posted by meowzer
Can you clarify what you just are DEAD???? Hermits are not...cause they are eating the damsels???
Damsels are dead, poor lil buggers but the hermits are alive and well.


New Member
What is the sg of the pet store water. I am guessing it is low around 1.017 or so You show yours at 1.026. I keep mine at 1.022. I have soft corals and fish in my tank. I have been in this hobby for 20 years. So if the pet store water sg is low most keep it that way to help prevent ick. and you are not adapting them slowly to your higher sg this could and is the most likely cause in your sudden fish death. I do the drip method 3-5 hours. If it where my tank I would lower the sg but slowly take out 1 gal of water and add one gal ro water test I would go no higher than 1.024 try a longer acl time and you should see your fish live longer.


Originally Posted by oldfishguy
What is the sg of the pet store water. I am guessing it is low around 1.017 or so You show yours at 1.026. I keep mine at 1.022. I have soft corals and fish in my tank. I have been in this hobby for 20 years. So if the pet store water sg is low most keep it that way to help prevent ick. and you are not adapting them slowly to your higher sg this could and is the most likely cause in your sudden fish death. I do the drip method 3-5 hours. If it where my tank I would lower the sg but slowly take out 1 gal of water and add one gal ro water test I would go no higher than 1.024 try a longer acl time and you should see your fish live longer.
Is there a SG that is more ideal than another, i had mine at 1.021 which was recommended to me by one LFS than the one i currently am going to said its more ideal to have it at 1.025. when you say acl the fish longer should i use the drip method and slow the dripping so it takes 3 hours to fill?


New Member
I use a large tote that can hold 10 gal of water I start with a slow drip for the first hour then speed it up to a fast drip after 3 hours i have about 4 gals of water in the tote when I am done.


IMO, based on the report of fish dying in as little as 45 seconds I would say the issue is pH shock due to the low pH. Even using the drip method, which I never use, would not solve the issue. You can't go from a pH of 8.2 or more(depending on what the pH is at the LFS) down to 7.7 even over a 2 or 3 hour drip without having issues.


Originally Posted by ReefNutPA
IMO, based on the report of fish dying in as little as 45 seconds I would say the issue is pH shock due to the low pH. Even using the drip method, which I never use, would not solve the issue. You can't go from a pH of 8.2 or more(depending on what the pH is at the LFS) down to 7.7 even over a 2 or 3 hour drip without having issues.
Thanks Tom, im trying to work that issue out ATM, i did a water change last night to see if that will help any. Talking to others on here they've recoimmended, surface agitation, airstones and ariators to see if that will help raise it.


Your PH is really low as stated above.
Where is the tank located? I know there are people who keep their tanks in basements sometimes have a problem with PH.


Originally Posted by Happyfeet
Your PH is really low as stated above.
Where is the tank located? I know there are people who keep their tanks in basements sometimes have a problem with PH.
In the living room, so air curriculation in my house could lower my pH? its next to a window that rarely gets opened now that its cold out.


New Member
Im a newb too but i have read about dosing your tank with diluted vinegar to raise PH. something like 100:1 ratio but like i said i have no experience with this just read some info the other day. good luck with your problem hope you can fix it soon and i hope we dont lose you as a hobbyist. Patience is key