New to the site and was treated terribly


I understand that I am new to this site and have only been in the saltwater hobby for about a year or so. But when i ask a question whether it is for me or a friend i expect to be treated with dignity and not put down. I can say that i have ran into my first not so nice person. I asked a question and was treated with the most disrespect and i felt like i shouldn't even be in the saltwater hobby when he was done with me and the question wasn't even for me but a friend of mine. If this is how this forum is than i guess i will just find another forum where i can feel secure in asking a question and feel like i was the stupidest person on the earth...


Well-Known Member
I am going to go ahead and take responsibility for this thread... Here is a link to the thread she is talking about:
I wish it didn't happen like that. Sorry you took it that way, and I wish ya'll the best. I hope everything works out well for ya'll and I wish that you would stay and be a part of the group. But, if you feel that way, then I'm sorry.


Sorry to hear that you are going. There is alot of good information on this site. On the other hand I think you may have over reacted. I read the post in that link and was a little confused as well. I wouldn't know because I have yet to start my tank up....soon... but how do you go a whole year without a water change or your friend. And is your H. Magnifica for you or your friend?
I think you may have taken snakes comment the wrong way...good luck with your H Magnifica.


HMMMM....I thought I posted here, BUT then I realized it must have been in the pm I sent to you MScowgirl.......which said it all
Please stick around.....we are a lot nicer then Snake is LOL (j/k on you Snake)


I can see how that can be taken wrong.
I do wish to say that even though some of our members can be a little quick and a little short to the point.
That being said we do not tolerate flaming or bad mouthing from anyone for any reason. If you come across it or see it in reading any thread there is a report button and all the moderators will get a email about it to take a look. Admin will also get the same email as we do so we can take care of it quickly.
The one thing that we as a group have always tried to get across to people is that anemones are really really hard to keep and should only be kept by experienced hobby folk because a short swing in parameters can be deadly to the anemone.
we also need to remember that in an internet setting that things can be taken completely wrong than what the poster wanted to say. kinda like when you said you were in a hurry and all the same can be from another poster and take things wrong.
I do hope that you stay this is one of the better places on the net. I am a member of A LOT of other sites but have chosen to stay here. The main reason is even though we do have our faults we are all here to help each other to have the best tanks we can have.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
That snake he is a real s- um bag and I know what you mean about him he thinks he knows it all by the way you cannot really be serious with this post now can you you have never done a water change in over a year
Sorry...i meant with fresh water RO or with the salt mix....i have had my tank for over a year and have always just topped off with fresh water RO....i am talking about doing water take out the water and then replace the water with just fresh RO water or with the salt mixed in with the fresh water...


The initial question about the water was for a friend of mine. The anemone was not even an issue. I simply stated that i was getting excited because my H.Magnifica was going to be here tomorrow. Two different threads. I don't have issues with my tank. As a matter of fact I have kept anemone's in the past with great success. The only reason i don't have one right now is because we moved here last year and i had to find my anemone at the time a new home. Didn't want to take the chance of traveling across the country. Moved to Indiana from Arizona. Now that I have my current tank up for a little over a year i feel that my tank is ready for an H. Magnifica. All my readings are stable. My friend on the other hand not so much. LOL. She will probably tear her tank down and go fresh. Which i happen to think would be the best for her.
I take pride in my tank and deeply care about the inhabitants. I don't like it when i start to see one not doing well. Which is why i like forums so much because someone somewhere has been through it more likely. I am a former Marine and a mother of 3 wonderful children. Although today they tried my nerves. I realize that people have bad days and emails can get misread and you can't really tell the tone of written words half the time. I understand and appreciate what you said.


LOL..i have done water changes...i was trying to reiterate what my friend was asking me to ask on the forum and i guess it came out wrong.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by usmccowgirl http:///t/388678/new-to-the-site-and-was-treated-terribly#post_3429204
The initial question about the water was for a friend of mine. The anemone was not even an issue. I simply stated that i was getting excited because my H.Magnifica was going to be here tomorrow. Two different threads. I don't have issues with my tank. As a matter of fact I have kept anemone's in the past with great success. The only reason i don't have one right now is because we moved here last year and i had to find my anemone at the time a new home. Didn't want to take the chance of traveling across the country. Moved to Indiana from Arizona. Now that I have my current tank up for a little over a year i feel that my tank is ready for an H. Magnifica. All my readings are stable. My friend on the other hand not so much. LOL. She will probably tear her tank down and go fresh. Which i happen to think would be the best for her.
I take pride in my tank and deeply care about the inhabitants. I don't like it when i start to see one not doing well. Which is why i like forums so much because someone somewhere has been through it more likely. I am a former Marine and a mother of 3 wonderful children. Although today they tried my nerves. I realize that people have bad days and emails can get misread and you can't really tell the tone of written words half the time. I understand and appreciate what you said.
Originally Posted by usmccowgirl
LOL..i have done water changes...i was trying to reiterate what my friend was asking me to ask on the forum and i guess it came out wrong.
Yah see there, it's all a big misunderstanding. I would like to say once again that I am sorry, and I would love nothing more than for you to stick around and be a part of our group. I'm sorry that we got started on the wrong foot, and I hope that we can put this behind us. I would like to see a pic of your tank! It sounds like you are experienced, and I would love to get to know you and your tank better.
I also want to say, thank you for serving our country.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Welcome home and I respectfully remove myself from this topic
Marine and a mother of 3 wonderful children


I would just like to tell everyone that Snake and I have worked things out...ummm snake i haven't told you yet but yes let's put this misunderstanding behind us. LOL. I will post some pics up once my H.Magnifica gets here....Again i ask that everyone not comment anymore about this thread unless you have nice things to say...Good day to you all...

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Every time I think I am out I get pulled back in. ok you have to understand that this forum is full of people who are knowledgeable and very very passionate about this hobby. You do yourself a disservice in putting restraints on their comments. IMO grow a thick skin give as good as you receive, filter out the good from the bad and you will grow to love this site. Ummm and fyi I drink a lot
....Again i ask that everyone not comment anymore about this thread unless you have nice things to say...Good day to you all...

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Lois lets keep our personal life out of this
Every time I think I am out I get pulled back in
....Thats the first true thing I have read from Joe in a long time


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by usmccowgirl http:///t/388678/new-to-the-site-and-was-treated-terribly#post_3429204
The initial question about the water was for a friend of mine. The anemone was not even an issue. I simply stated that i was getting excited because my H.Magnifica was going to be here tomorrow. Two different threads. I don't have issues with my tank. As a matter of fact I have kept anemone's in the past with great success. The only reason i don't have one right now is because we moved here last year and i had to find my anemone at the time a new home. Didn't want to take the chance of traveling across the country. Moved to Indiana from Arizona. Now that I have my current tank up for a little over a year i feel that my tank is ready for an H. Magnifica. All my readings are stable. My friend on the other hand not so much. LOL. She will probably tear her tank down and go fresh. Which i happen to think would be the best for her.
I take pride in my tank and deeply care about the inhabitants. I don't like it when i start to see one not doing well. Which is why i like forums so much because someone somewhere has been through it more likely. I am a former Marine and a mother of 3 wonderful children. Although today they tried my nerves. I realize that people have bad days and emails can get misread and you can't really tell the tone of written words half the time. I understand and appreciate what you said.
Well I don't know about this mess...I was busy cleaning puppy HELLO there and Welcome to the site. So getting to know you I have to ask...why do you buy premixed saltwater from the pet store? A year is a long time, I was sick to death of petstore premixed after the 3rd time around.


Active Member
Quote=florida joe
as you can see it was about eight inches
That's what you told her anyway!!
Quote=florida joe
thats what i have meowzer believing anyway
Quote=florida joe
Lois lets keep our personal life out of this. That is surly not the first time and I am sure not the last time you will use Joe and long in the same sentence
Stick around cowgirl. You will learn to love us.