florida joe
Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by ecooper
I don't know about any of this, but I did successfully stop an ick infestation a coupld of months ago. I don't know if is ick is always present or not, but it seems like it would have to be to some extent. Here's my reason for thinking.
My flasher wrasse suddenly had white spots after moving from the QT (no signs in the QT tank) to the main tank. Well, unfortunately, I couldn't catch him in the live rock. So, I did two things:
1. I bought a skunk cleaner shrimp who are supposed to keep down parasites. And the wrasse used him.
2. And, when I topped off my tank with fresh water, I waited until the wrasse went by and poured it directly on him (kind of like a freshwater dip in the main tank).
Well, either I got lucky or it worked, because it took care of the ick and no one else got it...
Ok I just want to make sure I have the procedure right I may want to try this my self, the fish showed signs of ick in your 75g DT and when you had to top off with fresh water you waited until he was at the top and pored the fresh water into you 75g DT and on your fish. I will give that a try when the occasion arises
I don't know about any of this, but I did successfully stop an ick infestation a coupld of months ago. I don't know if is ick is always present or not, but it seems like it would have to be to some extent. Here's my reason for thinking.
My flasher wrasse suddenly had white spots after moving from the QT (no signs in the QT tank) to the main tank. Well, unfortunately, I couldn't catch him in the live rock. So, I did two things:
1. I bought a skunk cleaner shrimp who are supposed to keep down parasites. And the wrasse used him.
2. And, when I topped off my tank with fresh water, I waited until the wrasse went by and poured it directly on him (kind of like a freshwater dip in the main tank).
Well, either I got lucky or it worked, because it took care of the ick and no one else got it...
Ok I just want to make sure I have the procedure right I may want to try this my self, the fish showed signs of ick in your 75g DT and when you had to top off with fresh water you waited until he was at the top and pored the fresh water into you 75g DT and on your fish. I will give that a try when the occasion arises