Originally Posted by
is250sp http:///t/391610/newbie-needs-help#post_3473957
Hi everyone! I am planning on building my first saltwater fish only tank and need some help. This is my first tank ever so be kind with your fish jargons lol. I have a friend that has experience and will help me but I dont want to bother him with every single question. My tank will be 115 gallons and I am on a tight budget. What I need is a list of affordable (but good quality) canister filters and protein skimmers that a newbie can easily maintain.
edit: I forgot to mention the tank will be flushed against the wall so I cant hang anything
Hi, and welcome to the site.
Without a sump you have to hang everything....from a protein skimmer to a refugium and everything in between. Over time folks add phoshate reactors,and auto top off systems to just name a few and NEVER say never that you won't need to. Adding and removing equipment is part of the hobby but moving the tank is EXTREMELY difficult to do.
If you can't leave at least 5 to 8 inches free from the wall choose another place to set up the tank...or go with a sump system where you can place extra equipment...even then leave 2 inches at least, since you need to be able to service the hoses and plumbing and reach the wires.
A very good canister are the Fluval brands. A 305 or 405 would work perfect for your size tank.