Originally posted by bustedup21
Great find. I hope you can find his or her mate. Would that be fantastic to tank raise some of those beauties.
Not gonna happen
I wish it was easier. But you would have to:
- dissect it to know the --- (which might very well kill it)
- find another of the right --- (possibly very unlikely just to find one, let alone, the right ---)
- get them to spawn (extremely unlikely)
- raise planktonic and pretty fragile larvae in an environment with lots of fragile planktonic food
- get them to metamorphose and settle and grow years and years to reach reasonable size
Seastars (except those that readily reproduce asexually)are just difficult that way, LOL! I don't think any, apart from the hitch hiker Asterina and perhaps Linckia multiflora, have much of a chance of ever being tank raised. Sigh
However, I know of a seastar guy who could use a job, so if anyone wants to put some money behind the project, I am sure he would go for it!!
So, I think we'll have to enjoy the one! Fantastic to know he's chowing down. (beautiful lobster too...you just get the coolest stuff!)