Nike's 34g DSA Neo-Nano


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only time will tell. ill post pics of growth later on and if its a rainbow, then it wasnt bad at all for 4$


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haha i get lucky

ill be selling some frags soon and picking some new ones. my sps is starting to consume more calcium so i really want to upgrade some parts soon


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started selling some of my corals today to bring in a new look to the tank. also got my cuc in
30 ceriths
5 nassarius
12 nerites
all the hermit crabs were thrown into the sump.
i fixed my acan garden as well

and ive decided to try mangroves mainly for aesthetics


Active Member
i have switched salts and finally got my ro/di running. im now using tropic marin bio actif, currently mixing right now
also got a huge acro colony for 20$ this week, will update with pics when the camera comes in


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any growth from the monti? I've been wanting one like how the polyps are different colors from the skeleton.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Speg
any growth from the monti? I've been wanting one like how the polyps are different colors from the skeleton.
the monti has fully encrusted its plug. Im going to move it to a piece of rock that i can move around freely.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nissan577
bad shipping
purple hornets dont ship all too well. but hell i got them for free, just gotta give em time. i can see the yellow skirts, and a slight hint of the ring. once its colored up ill post pics