Nissan new 29 bio cube Diary


Active Member
Getting quite a group of frags there bud. Are you going to attch them and start to let them grow out some? Got a final aquascape in mind yet?


Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
Getting quite a group of frags there bud. Are you going to attch them and start to let them grow out some? Got a final aquascape in mind yet?
why thanks Henry. yea i am. im still waiting to receive more frags. and yea ive been dying to do it like yours but everyone is like no leave it the way it is. what do you think?
im a big fan of your tank!


Active Member
Thank you for the kind words. Do what you feel you like. An aquascape to me is a personal thing, much like our own piece of artwork. Create something and show us what your mind can come with. You have a lot of possibilities with what you have. Be yourself, anything you do will meet with high praise me thinks.


Active Member
and i like your cheerleader! looks amazing! now we can form a squad!

well yea i really like the way your rock work is. the way the LR is in the middle and the corals surrounding it! pretty hot! i was thinking of doing the same but put atleast a little more LR going to the top! and on the side i will put feather dusters and my kenya and colt coral. i really wanna do it like that. but im really scared my trates will go high. i lost my sixline. it jump out. i shouldve put an egg crate! im such a
anyway what do you think henry? if i take out everything and put it the way i want it will it hurt my tank? LMK thanks alot!


Active Member
I have rearranged my scape a number of times. Take out as much water are you need to put into a tub and cover your rock and coral with. then you can start to replace the rocks the way you want them. Replace some of the water and put some new saltwater in like doing a water change pretty much. Does not take long as our tanks are pretty small. Try not to mix the sand up at all.
FWIW I like the scape you have. Nice open area in the middle, a good arch.


Active Member
why thank you. whats FWIW though?

i like it to but ive been dying to do it new way. ima get 5 gallon of saltwater tomorrow and do it tomorrow. i wanna have all the LR in the middle well not all of it, but a little and have it place in the middle going upwards. not touching the surface atleast 4 inches away and buy another K1 with a hydorflo. i really wanna do it like that. heres a pic:


Active Member
Originally Posted by nissan577
why thank you. whats FWIW though?

i like it to but ive been dying to do it new way. ima get 5 gallon of saltwater tomorrow and do it tomorrow. i wanna have all the LR in the middle well not all of it, but a little and have it place in the middle going upwards. not touching the surface atleast 4 inches away and buy another K1 with a hydorflo. i really wanna do it like that. heres a pic:

I say go for it, it will look good im sure anyway you make it

That rockscape will look similer to someones... HMMmmm


Active Member
i know thanks to spanko! i love the way his tank is. ima try my best to do it today. all i need is 5 gallon of new saltwater and i will do it. i cant wait! thanks nano!
you should try it


Active Member
Originally Posted by NaNo-NeWb1983
I say go for it, it will look good im sure anyway you make it

That rockscape will look similer to someones... HMMmmm
i know thanks to spanko! i love the way his tank is. ima try my best to do it today. all i need is 5 gallon of new saltwater and i will do it. i cant wait! thanks nano!
you should try it


Active Member
Well guys i did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it looks amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i just gotta do a 5 gallon water change! thats it! but it looks so fill now!
my mom loves it now i gotta see it if you guys like it. im letting the sand relax but it looks great! will take pics! and post them tonight or later on today. also i didnt go with the scape i wanted to do. i did one better like nano but a little different!