Nissan new 29 bio cube Diary


Active Member
Originally Posted by NaNo-NeWb1983
Wow!!!!! Dude, I Looks Freakin Good!!! Im Lovin It
thanks! i tried to do it like yours and spanko!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thanks guys! your tanks were an inspiration!


Active Member
Originally Posted by NaNo-NeWb1983
Where did you have it? My guess would be it didnt get enough flow, since your others are doing fine
i guess. i think ima end up buying another K1 what do you think? i have a maxi-jet 1200 and K1. would it be to much


Active Member
Originally Posted by nissan577
idk? like my other sps are doing perfect!
it leaves me wondering what cause it? what do you think?
IDK it might be your camera, but your other sps dont look to hot
they look dull and browned out
but the new aquascape is great and nice coraline growth


Well-Known Member
Don't you know that a shark will outgrow a 75g tank in a matter of a year? They grow to 3ft+?? Are you going to upgrade to at least a 240 next year?
I don't think the shark is a good idea. I personally don't think it is ok to keep one in a 75g tank, even if he is a baby right now, he will get much bigger.
But, do as you wish, it's a free world.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33
Don't you know that a shark will outgrow a 75g tank in a matter of a year? They grow to 3ft+?? Are you going to upgrade to at least a 240 next year?
I don't think the shark is a good idea. I personally don't think it is ok to keep one in a 75g tank, even if he is a baby right now, he will get much bigger.
But, do as you wish, it's a free world.
ok not this again. we had this discussion already. so lets drop it


Active Member
Originally Posted by ClownFiSH11
IDK it might be your camera, but your other sps dont look to hot
they look dull and browned out
but the new aquascape is great and nice coraline growth
thanks. the camera isnt getting the color of the sps right. idk why like the monti is really red and it comes out like dark. the acro is green and orange and it comes out like brown. the one on the big frag is all green with red and purple and comes out brown. and the other monti is red. idk why the camera is like that.
thanks btw