Nissan new 29 bio cube Diary

Originally Posted by NaNo-NeWb1983
looks good, is it me or are the lights different shades?? Maybe my beers are just kickin in lol
No the lights are the same.
Its just that my Mentally Challenged
step-father painted the Plastic thinggy
to protect the light from the water.
what ever yehh he painted that in pink
and the other left it like What ever


Active Member
What size tank is it? Give us some details on the equipment that you are running, lights, filtration, water movement, etc.


Active Member
wow it looks really nice. im pretty sure you dont have the lights for those corals. but hopefully you get them real soon. also the fish look great. but you looks like you max on your fish limit.


Active Member
Originally Posted by subielover
What size tank is it? Give us some details on the equipment that you are running, lights, filtration, water movement, etc.

her tank is a g. normal lights. no PC or T5 or metal hilades. the filter are both HOB. and no power heads


Active Member
Now my ring ceremony from yesterday! class of 2010!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
me and my friends. after receiving our rings
(Vanessa, Me, Camilo)

and us again with our moms! if it wasnt for them we dont know what we will do! thanks mom
