Nissan new 29 bio cube Diary


Active Member
and what is this ring ceremony crap? lol they just gave ours out at lunch haha. Class of 2007! couldn't tell you which girl has my ring anymore haha


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Originally Posted by SilverDak
and what is this ring ceremony crap? lol they just gave ours out at lunch haha. Class of 2007! couldn't tell you which girl has my ring anymore haha
we are cooler so they gave it to us ghetto! we look hot. well i look hot as hell!


Hey Nissan how much water should be in the second chamber? It doesn't seem there is a lot back there.... Oh and my protein skimmer is not making bubbles, the stone was wet before I turned it on though is that bad?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bdhb12
Hey Nissan how much water should be in the second chamber? It doesn't seem there is a lot back there.... Oh and my protein skimmer is not making bubbles, the stone was wet before I turned it on though is that bad?
well it should be atleast half way full or above the return pump like that it dont break. and idk about the skimmer. i dont have one. since i just do weekly water changes. sorry. HTH.


Do you use ChemiPure (if you already told me sorry, school fries my brain; i'm old at 24!) but if you do it says to use one unit (10oz) for my tank, can I fit the whole jar into the medium filter bag?!?! And does it sink? I want to to put it where the blue sponge thing was.


Active Member
Put the chemi-pure in chamber 1, it will already be enclosed in the filter bag, just be sure to rinse it really well. A lot of black stuff will come out when you do.
Nissan-your parameters look fine to me.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bdhb12
Do you use ChemiPure (if you already told me sorry, school fries my brain; i'm old at 24!) but if you do it says to use one unit (10oz) for my tank, can I fit the whole jar into the medium filter bag?!?! And does it sink? I want to to put it where the blue sponge thing was.
Nano and Subie help you out great! couldnt done it better myself

Originally Posted by NaNo-NeWb1983
the chemipure already bagged
Thanks for helping him
Originally Posted by subielover

Put the chemi-pure in chamber 1, it will already be enclosed in the filter bag, just be sure to rinse it really well. A lot of black stuff will come out when you do.
Nissan-your parameters look fine to me.
but i wanna know what is causing the bleaching. the said the shock of light. hoepfully they recover. wait and see i guess
Originally Posted by PerfectDark

Looking Good Nissan... Love the sps... encrusting montis are one of my favorites.
mines to
i just wish my tank could look like yours!
Thanks PD and everyone else


Active Member
New Pics!

I dont dose anything at all. so yea ignore those B-ionic and Ph thing. lol

I like this section lots


Active Member
Colt, xenias, and clove

Sps frags
Acro and another one i got for free
next to frogspawn

And my new free sps! hes all the way at the bottom slowly moving up!


Active Member
Originally Posted by NaNo-NeWb1983
nice i love the new SPS, good luck with him
thankyou! his name is bushy!
i put him in the bottom like that he dont bleach. ima do that with all my corals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and i might get a clam. but the duncan coming first! woooooooohooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!


hey what's up buddy...the tank looks fantastic, the ring looks great (man 2010) lol 1998 here. but again the tank looks great!


Active Member
Originally Posted by genius172
hey what's up buddy...the tank looks fantastic, the ring looks great (man 2010) lol 1998 here. but again the tank looks great!

thanks man! im glad you like my tank! i know man next year im out! and lucky you! dont worry i will be out to! 2010 im out! Woooohoooo!


Active Member
Originally Posted by nissan577
thanks man! im glad you like my tank! i know man next year im out! and lucky you! dont worry i will be out to! 2010 im out! Woooohoooo!

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