here are the updates
lost my pom pom crab dont know were he went.
lost my velvet sea slug
lost my big acro!
my duncan is losing some heads on the side!
my orange monti is losing some color!
reason is a couple days ago my house lost air. so my house was full of heat.
my brother ha s a corner 54g tank as well but his is fully closed with a canopy and a stand. his tank went to 95 degrees!!!!!!!!!!!!
he lost an angel fish, blenny, sixline and all of his corals!
my tank got to 86 degrees cause of my hoodless tank and open stand, the fan from my room was keeping it a little cool. so anyway my brother yellow tang and blue tang lived and they are in my tank now. i also saved my brother duncan and GSP.
although in my tank i lost my acro, some heads of the duncan, and the velvet seaslug follow by the pom pom crab. everything is back to normal and my tank is at 77 degrees now. i moved the duncan down the tank and broke off the monti bleach parts.
wish me luck as iam feeding the tank vitamins and everything.
i also gotta take pics