Nissan new 29 bio cube Diary


Active Member
thanks man! the rock hasnt open completely but its getting there. but my tank is still nothing compare to yours.
thanks anyways. i love to hear stuff like that


Active Member
Originally Posted by mckevinfang
they look great!!
cant wait till you add more lol

i know right. lol. this weekend ima add more and more. until the tank is completely fill. but ofcourse i have to let the corals spread as well
they wanna become parents. i think ima get 5-7 more pieces of corals. maybe frags or colonys.
thanks man!


Active Member
Originally Posted by subielover
They are looking great nissan, and the clove polyps I would expect to spread like all your xenia

i hope they do. i put the clove leaning on the wall so that it can grom in the back just like i want the xenias and some zoas to do as well.
thanks for the comments guys


Active Member
I think it is really cool putting coral on the back wall
I want to do that as well, that is once all my rock and sandbed are full


Active Member
Originally Posted by subielover
I think it is really cool putting coral on the back wall
I want to do that as well, that is once all my rock and sandbed are full

you should do it. when i pass by peefs house. and saw his AMAZING tank! he had what im trying to do now. and man it looks hot. image your tank in the back all covered with corals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats sick. and thats what im trying to do


Active Member
Originally Posted by nissan577
you should do it. when i pass by peefs house. and saw his AMAZING tank! he had what im trying to do now. and man it looks hot. image your tank in the back all covered with corals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats sick. and thats what im trying to do
try it your self subie! you will like it!


Active Member
Originally Posted by subielover
Nissan, you never replaced your bicolor blenny did you?
well my first one passed away. and i got a new one recently on thursday. but on sat it died again. both blennys didnt last more then 2-3 days. i really want a bicolor blenny. like you said subie they are so fun to watch. and have great personality! i check my water parameters today and it showed this.
p.h 8.3
nitrite 0ppm
nitrate 0ppm
ammonia 0ppm
s.g 1.024
what can it be that my blenny keeps dying? anyone help?


Active Member
Ohh, that really stinks. I wonder why they keep dying. Try to post in the fish disease/treatment forum. Post all your parameters and maybe someone can shed some light on it for you. I love mine and pray that nothing happens to him. Was yours eating algae? or anything else for that matter?