Originally Posted by
I do too. IMO, if properly maintained, I think most of the good HOT and canister filters work very well; on appropriately size tanks. I have a feeling that many filter owners just don't understand what does what and what needs cleaning. Example: You don't scrub bio-wheels, ceramic rings, or bio-balls. You USUALLY do thoroughly clean filter pads, sponges, etc. I also think adding the 2nd Emperor was a good idea; most mfg way over-estimate the capacity of their filters, IMO. His two emp filters will move about 800gph; improving water circulation as well as improving filtration.
Yulp the other 400 is what really helped me, I also added about a teaspoon of byozyme to add some more bacteria in the water and as of this morning im down to 0 ppm nitrIte and i am one happy panda and so is my new Foxface Rabbitfish