Nitrites Off the Chart!


ditch the emp.... get a good canister of if you need a HOB.. AC110 is the ONLY way to go. I had both and no offense. The emp struggled to keep up with a 50 gallon. the AC110 filters 500 gal/hr.


Originally Posted by tr1gger
Since this post started my nitrIte has dropped wayyy down to .3 PPM. Thats over 4.7 PPM down from the original post. Prime and second new emporer 400 with all new filter changes and about a 15% water change every week for 3 weeks in a row did the trick. I will continue to check peramiters every day and keep up with the post will its down to 0..
That is great! I personally like Emperor filters. They work well.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
That is great! I personally like Emperor filters. They work well.
I do too. IMO, if properly maintained, I think most of the good HOT and canister filters work very well; on appropriately size tanks. I have a feeling that many filter owners just don't understand what does what and what needs cleaning. Example: You don't scrub bio-wheels, ceramic rings, or bio-balls. You USUALLY do thoroughly clean filter pads, sponges, etc. I also think adding the 2nd Emperor was a good idea; most mfg way over-estimate the capacity of their filters, IMO. His two emp filters will move about 800gph; improving water circulation as well as improving filtration.


Originally Posted by srfisher17
I do too. IMO, if properly maintained, I think most of the good HOT and canister filters work very well; on appropriately size tanks. I have a feeling that many filter owners just don't understand what does what and what needs cleaning. Example: You don't scrub bio-wheels, ceramic rings, or bio-balls. You USUALLY do thoroughly clean filter pads, sponges, etc. I also think adding the 2nd Emperor was a good idea; most mfg way over-estimate the capacity of their filters, IMO. His two emp filters will move about 800gph; improving water circulation as well as improving filtration.
Yulp the other 400 is what really helped me, I also added about a teaspoon of byozyme to add some more bacteria in the water and as of this morning im down to 0 ppm nitrIte and i am one happy panda and so is my new Foxface Rabbitfish :)


Active Member
Originally Posted by tr1gger
Yulp the other 400 is what really helped me, I also added about a teaspoon of byozyme to add some more bacteria in the water and as of this morning im down to 0 ppm nitrIte and i am one happy panda and so is my new Foxface Rabbitfish :)

Glad to hear it! The new filter wouldn't have developed bacteria to lower nitrates yet, probably just your 1st filter doing its job; but you need more filtration anyhow. I usually don't think much of the 'bacteria in a bottle" products; but I think Biozyme actually does something, very inexpensive too.


Originally Posted by srfisher17
Glad to hear it! The new filter wouldn't have developed bacteria to lower nitrates yet, probably just your 1st filter doing its job; but you need more filtration anyhow. I usually don't think much of the 'bacteria in a bottle" products; but I think Biozyme actually does something, very inexpensive too.
I agree here. I think it was the cycle, already in place, that took care of the nitrites. The added filtration will help. I have used biozyme, during my nitrite situation. It did nothing. I think I still have the small red jar with the flip lid.
I am very happy that all is well now. Your fish will benefit from some live rock in there. Think about getting some.


Originally Posted by sepulatian
I agree here. I think it was the cycle, already in place, that took care of the nitrites. The added filtration will help. I have used biozyme, during my nitrite situation. It did nothing. I think I still have the small red jar with the flip lid.
I am very happy that all is well now. Your fish will benefit from some live rock in there. Think about getting some.
Will do sir, wish there was a smiley with a guy saluting... Thanks for caring so much everyone


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
I agree here. I think it was the cycle, already in place, that took care of the nitrites. The added filtration will help. I have used biozyme, during my nitrite situation. It did nothing. I think I still have the small red jar with the flip lid.
I am very happy that all is well now. Your fish will benefit from some live rock in there. Think about getting some.
Yeah; I sure didn't mean to make it sound like there is a miracle cycle product; it seems a new on comes out every month. I've only used this stuff to help kick start a new cycle in an emergency a couple times; both in a small HT. This was a long time ago and I'll never know if it really did help, but it seemed to.