To answer a quetion you asked me earlier, yes I have a reef without a sump or a fuge...a "simple" reef, but I like it.
I agree with Salti - if it is more than you can handle, then don't do it. There is tons you can learn with a simple set-up. I have had mine for two or three years now, and I still learn a lot...that is with PC lights and a CC substrate, no fuge, no sump! (Talk about simple!) But with a simple set-up, and some maintenance, you can have a very succesful tank where the everything thrives (yes, including pods etc.)
At the same time, in my humble opinion, I would disagree with your "fad theory":
(i) sumps are not a "fad"...they keep equipment out of you tank, they increase your water capacity, and they allow you more flexibility in filtration and media choices.
(ii) a "fuge" is also not a "fad", it allows a safe place for certain creatures to thrive without predation, it allows additional biological filtration through additional live rock and sand, and it allows the growth and cultivation of plant life to help improve water chemistry by lowering nitrates etc.
But again, you do not need them for every reef. Do what you are comfortable with, and you can always modify your set-up later if you so choose. What is more important than fancy equipment etc. is keeping your tank healthy and creating an environment where things can thrive...and you can do that with a simple set-up.
Goold luck with your tank!