Nolan's 28g HQI setup!


So I just ordered the actinic kit for the tank from and I can't wait to put it in! I'm tired of the colors not popping out like with some of the other tanks. I only have the factory 14k hqi bulb (on my 2nd) replacement in there. I figured the actinic ones will help.


So I was looking in the tank today and at first it looked like my acan was injured, but at closer inspection it looks like it is splitting into three heads on one portion! The one in question is the acan on the top left. Photos attached......



Any guess to the exact id on this acro? I love this thing, it's so beautiful! And another id on the bottom one too, I forgot what they said at the lfs. Plus a pic of my clam just hangin out, he is always so happy. And a new full tank shot too.



Originally Posted by nissan577
new babies!!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you think the yellow polyps will affect it in anyway? I worry that the two will fight. I'm watching blue life in HD too and that sht is awesome! Its cool seeing a ricordea garden the size of a house and a monti the size of a dog!!!!


Active Member
were are you watching that? i wanna see it! and i heard of yellow polyps fighting. so idk. what to tell you. btw its looking nice! what do you have to keep your sand clean?


I have an awesome diamond goby and a yellow watchman goby that do great work of it. The watchman I have had since I started the tank and the diamond goby for around 2 or 3 months. I had a bad diatom breakout so I got the diamond and him and the two emerald crabs made quick work of it. Here is a pic of the diamond hangin out.


Originally Posted by nissan577
ima get one now bro!
and were did you see the show then!!!!!

I saw it on HD on demand, with comcast. If you have comcast it is under the nature and science section then on the green channel. You can watch it in HD which makes it look crazy cool!


So I put the actinic bulbs in earlier thanks to nanotuners upgrade kit for the jbj and I must say that I am impressed. The installation was very straight forward if you have ever changed the bulb out before, just remove a few more screws, do some cutting and a little wire work and you are done! The most notable difference is with the lights off. With them on I'm not too sure if you can see a huge difference in photos but there is a little in person. I hear that it is good for the corals though to get that spectrum of light. Is there any thruth in that?
If you know please let me know. Otherwise have a look below and tell me what you think! Thanks guys for being so high spirited and nice too! It is always good to see that instead of some of the know it all forums if you know what I mean......


So today was a particularly nice day so I snapped some pictures of the roadway in front of the house today! Sorry to bore you with it though!
