Full tank shot. Gorgonia have been placed "for good," and I finally found a local source for some feather Caulerpa. A scant handful has already grown into a small jungle off to the left of the pic here.
My Acans are still doing well. Goby decided to get in and photobomb the shot...
Kenya colony. This unfortunately is not the one from Lois, as the two frags that survived never got very big. They're still there, but just no growth. More on that in a minute. This colony, however, has already almost doubled in size since I got it....
Here is what I believe may be the cause for the stunted Kenya frag growth. This is my "very first" coral...a Sarcophyton toadstool leather coral that I've had forEVER. It has survived much more than it should ever have been expected to, and I'm glad I was able to migrate it into this tank when I broke down the 110. On the other hand, Sarcophytons are known to be aggressive chemical combatants against other leather type corals in a tank. It's possible that this thing is pumping out something that is keeping the small Kenyas from would explain a great deal.
Part of the Zoa garden....
And some more.....
A new addition...a pink Lobo. Found this guy under some old yellow PC bulbs in a discount tank ($10.00) and I decided to see if he would color up any in my tank. So far so good...but I'm watching him 'cause Lobos are a 2 on the threat list IIRC.
Another FTS.....
And a last pic of the Acans.....and the camera-happy goby.
Why no pics of the seahorse? Because the bloody stubborn girl has decided she's completely nocturnal, that's why! She sits under the skimmer and only starts moving around when the main lights are off and the moon lights come on. Every once in a while she'll motor over to the macroalgae and hang out there, but that's about it for her daytime excursions. I'm hoping that behaviour will change when I add a couple more horses to the tank down the road.