Thanks bud. Life is ups and downs, and wouldn't be worth one without the other. Sometimes those downs.....well, they suck. I know in the greater scheme of things, a tank crash isn't the end of the world, but it can be hard when you consider most of the animals in that glass box to be as much a "pet" as the dog at your feet.
I've been thinking of how to proceed with the restocking. I'm debating on whether to replace the animals I had completely, or use this as an opportunity to try something different. I'm amazed and grateful that my Blue Spot Jaw and my Leopard wrasse survived. The Desjardini donation was extremely kind of the dude, and the new McCosker's is now in the tank. There's also a Midas blenny in QT now, and I KNOW I want another Tiger Wardi for the sand bed. But after that.....who knows? I am sure I'd like to keep a Lineatus wrasse as my main show wrasse. Less sure if I want a Mystery wrasse again, however.
In terms of corals, I'm a little more sure of my re-stock list. I'm thinking along the lines of an ORA themed tank. I don't want to go hog-wild on corals, but some of the easier SPS are a must. So far the wish list for corals includes the following:
"New" stuff:
ORA Neon Green birdsnest
Bird-of-Paradise Seriatopora
ORA Yellow Porites
Blue polyp (green background) Monti cap
Stuber Stag
ORA Plum Crazy acro
Old stuff....these are corals I managed to save that are growing in the bedroom tank. I'm going to frag these out and keep them in both tanks:
Pink birdsnest Seriatopora
Purple Pocillopora
ORA Orange Monti Setosa (love the colors on this)
Orange Monti cap
Green Poci
And of course, whatever Zoas strike my eye. Most of my zoa collection made it through, though, so I'm not planning on collecting more.
All this is nice to plan, but....first thing's first. Aggressive water changes and make sure the Caulerpa explosion disappears.