All right, all right, enough with the speculations!

Those photos are of the tank I built and completed about a week ago. Well, not the actual tank, but the rest of it. First of all, thanks to all those with favorable comments. To the rest of you.. please read on.
My long-term plan for this tank is for it to be primarily SPS dominant. Not unlike Steve's established and soon to upgrade tank. So no, a skimmer and power heads only would NOT suffice. I've been running a 65 successfully for almost 9 years and this tank donated the rock and corals for the new, glass Oceanic 240. Certainly a minimal amount for this new tank. I also added 180 pounds of dead rock. The front photo posted here was an interim shot prior to aquascaping and the addition of the 180 pounds of rock. So I would agree, in that state the back is more impressive. And perhaps, still is.

Here's a shot after aquascaping;
In addition, one looking between the two rock formations down the valley of sand;
Without a doubt, I will be adding more corals. However, this, as some of you so eloquently pointed out, is a financially dependant project. I would love to throw thousands more at it right now but reality sets in. I knew this going in to such an ambitious undertaking. Does it appear that I am "planning challenged"? ;-) While I would love to add info to the following photo, which I repost due to the distorted look of the previously posted, I have covered all this and more on the original thread at Reef Central. Here is the reposted photo;
If you are interested in reading the full thread for the rest of the information regarding the construction of this tank, follow the link below. That thread is more than enough to keep me busy so I will not continue to post here. Thanks for your interest and kind words.
If you have any trouble with the link, do a search for "240 Inwall Construction (Image Intense)" in the Reef Discussion forum.
Regards and Happy Reefing,