Nuke em to glass


thats really interesting!! i never thought the video would be faulse. just never crossed my mind. but tony detroit's question makes a lot of sense. does it change anything if it is a hoax? i dont know if it does or not but its worth discussing.


Pretty sure that video is fake as well. Complete whitewash. You think they would at least try to make it look real or they think we all are very Nieve. When they blamed Zarqawi on May 12th I thought it was incredible I found an MSNBC article dated March 4th saying he was killed in the war. It sounds like a sick Psy-ops operation for the US citizens to support this war and the Bush administration again when support was going down due to multiple factors including the Iraqi torture.


It supports Bush by:
If you believe that Berg was killed by Iraqi's, it will give you the attitude as the thread starter "hatred toward Iraqi's" and to support the war and the administration (the war is good). Bush's numbers went way down after the U.S. iraqi torture photo's were leaked. Amazingly enough the Berg video was released a few days later. Sounds almost theatrical.



Originally posted by joerdie
interestin... but i still dont like bush.:thinking:

Me either, but the alternative frightens me more. I'd rather have someone who's predictable than unpredictable if thats what it comes down too.


i would agree there too. can anyone remember when the U.S. voted for the better of two good men? it seems that since ive been old enough to vote it has always been vote for the guy you hate least. That really sux.


Daniel, if I may ask, would you vote for Bush again then? I know it's lose lose situation bones vs bones.
There is an article on the usnews site today saying they expect another terror attack in US before the election. According to the article they don't know how that would effect politically. So much corruption :( They double finances for terrorism after OKC, and then Homeland Security Act and Patriot ACT and we still are gonna get attacked. How about close the borders and let us keep our liberties!


I am in favor of the war and I am a Bush supporter. However I do see where you are coming from with the timing of the Berg situtation. In fact, the same with the capture of Sadam, the support for the war was dropping, so we capture Sadam, and the support goes back up.
Wait until about mid August and Bush needs some help, he'll turn up Bin Laden in some bunker in Pakistan.
I do not believe that Bush, or America had anything to do with Berg's death. There are too many people that are not part of the government that could research this video and figure it out. It seems like the rumor of this is like all the others, did we realy land on the moon?


my 2 cents. I think most of it could be a hoax. Come on now man if that was me I wouldnt just be sitting there. Id be trying to get away so they would atleast shoot me instead. Also if it were me I think I would be having a heart attack about that time knowing someone right behind me is going to behead me. In that video he dosent look scared at all. Weather its Americans doing it or not I think most of it is fake. As most of you have said crappy camera work, audio not synced up and so on.


There are several things in the video that do not look right. I really think it looks fake also. I did not see much blood, he didn't move at all while being held down and beheaded. He was very pale and didn't look right. There are also several very odd things about nick berg. His company that he owned or whatever was not registerd in his home state also his connections with one of the terrorist that was captured in connection with 911. Nick Berg gave his password and use of his email account to this terrorist. From what I have read that is why he was detained in Iraq. Because He was inverstigated in 2001 for connections to 911. He was not held by the us military he was held by the FBI in Iraq from what I understand.


I do agree that the video seems odd, I just don't believe that Bush, or anyone in the US would have anything to do with this.


I totally agree, I am a very big Bush supporter and I spent 8 months of last year overseas. I have been in Iraq and several other countries and agree with what we are doing. I just think sometheing is weird about this video.


So you are saying Operation Iraqi Freedom is for liberation of Iraq? If so, why the torture? If it's for Weapons of Mass Destruction, where are they? If it's for Oil control, why the high prices? None of it adds up. There is no proven connection between Al Qaeda and Saadam, it's known they hate each other. I respect you going overseas; I just want to know why you think we are over there?


To rid the world of a horrible dictator.
Part of the Gulf war resolution was for weapon inspections at any time, why would Sadam not allow this. For this reason alone I think it was justified.
Our governement had information about the 9/11 attacks and did not act on them, and now they are getting blasted.
The governement had information on Iraq, they acted, and now they are getting blasted for that. Granted they have not found WMD yet, but they acted on the best information they had. I do beleive that they did find long range missiles that were not allowed. Maybe since we gave Sadam so much time he hid, or moved his WMD. If we wouold have acted on the best information on Al Qaeda, the attacks on 9/11 could have been prevented.
My point is that people are playing both sides against Bush, you can't have it both ways.
I do not think any war or economic plan is easy for 99.99% of the population to fully understand, including myself. I think you elect people that have the best interest in our county to run it for you, and from what I can tell this is the best place to be.


The liberation of Iraq is part of why we are there. Saadam was a real threat, I think there were and still may be wmd, bio and chem weapons hidden or in Syria. We are just now starting to see things like this serin gas thing. I do not agree at all with this torture thing. I think these guys need to be tried for this stuff and they are. However I really would not consider this "torture" If someone gave me an option have my fingernails ripped of one at a time are put panties on my head sign me up for the panties. I do not think we are there at all for oil. If we were we would not be paying $2 a gallon. Well aren't these guy's in this beheading thing linked to Al Qaeda and this was in Iraq. It all comes down to saadam was given many chances to follow this resolution he would not he was givven chance after chance and did not comply.


I have 3 words for you people
Good ol america would never do this... Blah Blah Blah.. Read up youll find out it was all done by Americans. Its all one huge plan dated back many many years worked on by the goverment for years... Slowly you find our RIGHTS being taken away. You really should read up and stop thinking this country or any other country is so great... The point of goverment has always been "POWER"
It will always be about "POWER" There scaring you into giving your right away so they will be in control... Read up.