nYgel's 29 Gallon Reef


Active Member
one of the best fish ever, always swimming through the rockwork and very colorful. Im thinkin of new additions. it'll probably be overstocked in terms of normal, but I'm gonna add some more filtration. but all the fish i get are little LITTLE bioloads. like clown gobies and such. tiny fish that eat little. so all will be good. give me 2 months and it'll be cool. once coraline starts growin on the new white rocks.


hey,, can you give me some info on the porcelien crab,, it is very pretty,, i am thinking about getting one,, my lfs has a few of the and i want to get one


Active Member
again, one of the prizes of my tank. I plan on ordering several (and i mean several) more when i get the money. He was shy for a few months, but now he is out everywhere, scuttling around and waving those fans out for food. one of the funniest tankmates ever. he eats mysis shrimp like hte rest of my livestock. is actually a shrimp but due to looks its classified as a crab and... umm... they like rockwork alot, places to hide. great buy, especially being the only COMPLETELY reefsafe crab besides a hermit.


Active Member
so... i grabbed a spotted mandarin a day or two ago... he's still adjusting to the tank so no GOOD pics yet... soon though... soon... havent SEEN him eat frozen yet, but chances are... he will... can't wait to get a good pic though.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nYgel
so... i grabbed a spotted mandarin a day or two ago... he's still adjusting to the tank so no GOOD pics yet... soon though... soon... havent SEEN him eat frozen yet, but chances are... he will... can't wait to get a good pic though.


Active Member
alright, so check this... Scooter Dragonets are by far the best fish I've ever had... so... why not grab another? Im trying to get them to mate, they're trying to pair right now... its awesome to watch.. anyway, some pics...



Active Member
i didnt get a pic but the fin on the front of the male is about half the size of it, its huge. so far they follow eachother around for a while, then they go off on their own for a bit, then come back together... dunno if they're 'paired' yet though... noone talks about dragonet pairs.


Active Member
so, the male has taken to frozen already (as do all my dragonets it seems) but isnt take too much of a liking for the female, hes always swimmin away from her but she constantly stalks him. I'll grab some pics if i ever find my memory card.


Active Member
Sweet pics... I soooo want a mandarin need to wait a bit longer though but I think in a few months I will try it... your tank looks awesome.


Active Member
who else loves it when you come home two days in a row and the heads on your 17 head hammer coral are all dying? or when the scooter that was trained to eat frozen is dead? thats how my day went.. I may have saved about 5 heads of the coral though... im not a full time necromancer so the scooter didnt make it, he never even hunted for pods though... so i blame that for his death, the destruction of teh coral is a confusing one for me cuz everything else in the tank is in full bloom.


They can starve over a period of months and never look the worse for wear. It is hard to judge whether they are actually healthy or not. The stress of moving and less frequently available food may have allowed something else to kill it as well.
As to the hammer what was it doing? It is very unusual for a coral to die over the span of two days. They generally recede for quite a while. It is even weirder that 3/4 of the coral should die and the rest be fine.


Active Member
what type of lighting do you have on you 29 because i also have a 29 and im surrently looking into some new lights......


Active Member
i've had my female scooter for over a year, healthiest fish i've ever seen, then i got it a male so as to have 'company' ;) it instantly took to frozen and always cornered the block of mysis and ate half of it, and then out of nowhere, dead. so im familiar with dragonets. as for the hammer, 6 or so heads are still.... there, as to whether they will stay there much longer... who knows? watever, its odd that that LONE coral is effected and the rest of the tank looks great. as for lights... i've got satellite somethings... and then some other no brand light, around 130w of PC.


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so this tank has fallen apart a bit, so im on the rebound right now, i'll be updating and such soon. no pics, my light burnt out (then i bought a new one! but then it didnt work :( now i have to drive 30 minutes away and grab a new one).