nYgel's 29 Gallon Reef


Active Member
if anything, it looks worse. unless i come into some money it's probably gonna stay unimpressive too. sucks cuz im going to film school in about 6 months now so all money goes that way, cool thing is i'll be getting a ton of money from graduation so i'll keep a 10g at wherever im leaving then. but im going to definitely try to save this one right now, i need cleanup crew really bad. too bad i have to spend $100 on here before i can use those photo credits :(


Active Member
alright, since we all love updates for tanks noone follows, here it is. I purchased a lawnmower blenny. thats mainly why I took pics.

I'm setting up a 3 gallon (Tom's Deco Kit) next week, so follow that.


i set up the tom deco 3 as well. great looking tank, im putin salt water in it right now as well as some l/r. ill get pics soon....i also just started a journal on it here as well.


Active Member
Nice lawnmower. All you need is a constant algae bloom for it haha. I like the hammer coral, definitely going to be the next addition of mine as well.


Active Member
my old hammer is long gone... along with a few corals... actually its gone quite downhill. rebuilding is at a minimum... also more focus will go on the 3 gallon.


Active Member
umm... i dont know what you consider stock lighting to be, as its not a all-in-one tank, but i had over 100w of lighting, so it def wasnt the lighting, the frogspawn is still doing fine. Just, the hammer slowly started fading and then my xenia melted within about a week. i had a decent amount of shrooms but they detached and wandered in the back of the tank... which would require complete remodeling to get to.


Sorry to hear about your bad luck lately, I can relate, it seems like things will be doing fine one day and then the next.......
It's hard when you put so much time and $ into it....
I was reading through this thread and was curious about the tubes you put under your sand and rocks for pod poulation....how well does that work?


Active Member
well... hmm, its hard to say how well it worked, i DID have the scooter you saw throughout the thread for about 2 years (which seems to constitute success to many) but you know, how much was due to the rock rubble piles on top of pvc piping, who knows? i certainly say it doesn't hurt and its just like anything for pods, its a safe place that dragonets or other common pod eating fish have severe trouble accessing. I plan on getting another scooter, due to my love and fascination with them.


it sounds like your lighting upgrade might have upset your corals. I have been having problems getting my frogspawn to color up again since I upgraded my lighting.....It lost all of its purple hues and seems bleached to a light green. It doesnt open up like it used to either. I thought it was a flow issue at first but it still hasnt come back all the way.
I had some mushrooms shrink up and start sliding down the rocks, but my zoos like bright light so their growth rate actually improved. It was a trip to see how each one reacted different. I dont know if your light is hanging but you can try raising the light for a few days and slowly lower it to where you want or maybe try a shorter light cycle until your corals are used to the brighter light.


Originally Posted by nYgel
well... hmm, its hard to say how well it worked, i DID have the scooter you saw throughout the thread for about 2 years (which seems to constitute success to many) but you know, how much was due to the rock rubble piles on top of pvc piping, who knows? i certainly say it doesn't hurt and its just like anything for pods, its a safe place that dragonets or other common pod eating fish have severe trouble accessing. I plan on getting another scooter, due to my love and fascination with them.



Active Member
no, it def wasnt the light, this is all way long term, i've had this tank with the same setup for about 2 years almost, so it was stuff going on in the tank, and if you look at the pics, i had MASSIVE shrooms, the fell off after they got too heavy to stick on the rocks anymore... fragging wasnt my thing.


yeah im doin a N. wennerae mantis. small species from the atlantic. the tank will be hopefully loaded with corals, and i got to try to find a cuc that the little guy wont destroy. my tank is cycling now, but it only has about a pound and a half of l/r. im picking up more rock today or tomorrow.


Active Member
how long does it take to cycle? 6 hours? :) took my 10 like 1.5 days, but i use all materials from older reef tanks so to avoid cycles. I'm looking at pandas and various decorative crabs (pompom, porcelien, anenome) if i didnt already state that.


Active Member
well, i realized it might be smarter to just use the money saved for the 3g to save this 29g... so ex the 3g atm.... new fts later tonight... i love redoing rock.


Active Member
I have also decided thats its time to move on from the deat of my last scooter (about 2 yrs old :( ) and get a new one, so the search is on for one that will be good enough for me... also maybe a clown, but thats a much lower possibility. probably a lot of shrooms or some good xenia.


Active Member
Alright, I redid some rock work (again) and bought some Xenia so it's looking a bit better. I was at an LFS yesterday and saw they have a pom pom crab for sale, $12!, I made him rip up the tank to find it, only to find a dead one. :(