Obama for President = Second Coming?


Active Member
Originally Posted by socal57che
Your lever action is on a list that Obama wants to regulate. I'll look for the info and post as soon as I find it.

Yeah, the scum bag will probably want my 50 cal Hawkins too

el guapo

Active Member
Not only would I punch that puppy in his sad little face, but I would punch his smug little kitten friends too .


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Yeah, the scum bag will probably want my 50 cal Hawkins too
Ban any ammunition capable of penetrating police body armor. (which would include type I) This would include rounds for your Winchester Lever Action 30/30 deer rifle. It seems you would be allowed to own your lever action...just not able to shoot it.
500% increase of federal ammunition tax.
reefraff, you have PM
ELGUAPO, so do you


Interesting topic IMO, but none of the choices up top fit my thoughts. Inevitability is a must...who cares. I don't care about dying, and I really don't care to try to pretend I have the slightest what happens after, or what one would hope to happen after...it's all inevitable.


Active Member
Originally Posted by socal57che
Ban any ammunition capable of penetrating police body armor. (which would include type I) This would include rounds for your Winchester Lever Action 30/30 deer rifle. It seems you would be allowed to own your lever action...just not able to shoot it.
500% increase on federal ammunition tax.
reefraff, you have PM
ELGUAPO, so do you
I will assume they wouldn't be too thrilled about the 300 mag neither

Gonna have to make up a list and do some shopping.
Maybe just stock up on reloading equipment. Never really done it much but just in case.

el guapo

Active Member
Thank you .
Personally I think its every Americans right to keep and bare arms . It's completely unconstitutional to take that away and is the obvious first step in over powering the people.
I do understand that they want to protect police and civilians from violence but this is not the way .


Active Member
Originally Posted by YearOfTheNick
I was at a birthday party last night and I was talking to one of my buddies, Mike, who has a Masters in History, hoping to teach collegiately (He's looking for a job at the moment). We're both quasi-conservative Christians.
Anyway, we were talking about the election, and Mike said that a part of him wants to vote for Obama because he's fairly certain that Obama's Presidency will mark the beginning of the end from a Second Coming/Rapture/Jesus' Return standpoint (And Christians generally hope that it happens in their lifetime because it means they won't die but get the "straight to Heaven" card). Mike said that many (but NOT all) of Obama's followers have something of a blind faith in Obama... it seems like no one wants to hear the truth about Obama and what he stands for (partial birth abortions, for example) and have white washed him, making him something of a "Savior" for this nation and its people. Sure, there are some who probably feel similarly about McCain, but I doubt it... McCain is like the wise old man you want making the decisions - But Obama has become an icon of change and difference - People are definitely looking to him to "change the world" (Eric Clapton Song Quote - No pun intended).
Anyway, I don't think the President should ever be considered a "savior," but a hard working guy who has the country's best interest in mind, and is smart enough to deal with other nations (in a nutshell).
Also, this wasn't the only thing that made Mike feel Obama's Presidency will mean the end of the world as we know it (REM quote - pun not intended). When you look at this world, it's riddled with occurrences that are outlined in the book of Revelation - Natural disasters, many wars, Jewish people returning to Israel... In fact, the only thing we really need now is an anti-christ to come and proclaim that he is God... then boom! The second coming should pull into full swing. The stage has been set from many other standpoints... we just need that anti-christ to get the ball rolling.
IF IF IF the anti-christ is Obama, then some think the Second Coming will happen soon... in this lifetime.
Does anyone feel similarly? What are your thoughts?
P.S. Mods: This is not a standard political rant thread - I really want to know how people feel about this particular issue.
Everyone else: I am not bashing Obama but sharing an opinion that really made me think. Let's try to keep things cordial, please.
If electing Obama means the beginning of the end....then all the

christians will vote Obama! Sweet!


Active Member
wow... if some people here spent more time reading about the candidates ,and less time here calling each other racist and idiots , maybe they could make valid points! for those of you who call Palin...dumb ....no experience...blah,blah,blah again PLEASE google her and Mr.Obama and I think you would be shocked at how well she compares. All people do is repeat the hate they hear , don't be so weak minded as to "jump on a band wagon" if you don't like some ones view ,then make a valid argument based on FACT. NOT silly pic's......sometimes I feel like I am talking to children..leave the tudes at the door and grow up


Active Member
Originally Posted by nwdyr
wow... if some people here spent more time reading about the candidates ,and less time here calling each other racist and idiots , maybe they could make valid points! for those of you who call Palin...dumb ....no experience...blah,blah,blah again PLEASE google her and Mr.Obama and I think you would be shocked at how well she compares. All people do is repeat the hate they hear , don't be so weak minded as to "jump on a band wagon" if you don't like some ones view ,then make a valid argument based on FACT. NOT silly pic's......sometimes I feel like I am talking to children..leave the tudes at the door and grow up

How exactly are they similar? Obama was editor of the Law Review at Harvard Law School. Palin went to 4 or 5 different small schools to get her bachelors degree. Obama spent 12 years as a constitutional law professor before even getting into politics. What exactly has Palin done that is comparable to this, aside from being involved with the Alaskan independence group?
Not to mention that Obama has displayed legitimate family values in his own life. Palin had a child out of wedlock and now has a daughter following in her footsteps.
Besides, Obama can actually communicate in full sentences. Palin jumbles random, left-field thoughts together and makes sure that she throws the word "maverick" into every third sentence.
Again, how exactly are they comparable?

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy

How exactly are they similar? Obama was editor of the Law Review at Harvard Law School. Palin went to 4 or 5 different small schools to get her bachelors degree. Obama spent 12 years as a constitutional law professor before even getting into politics. What exactly has Palin done that is comparable to this, aside from being involved with the Alaskan independence group?
Not to mention that Obama has displayed legitimate family values in his own life. Palin had a child out of wedlock and now has a daughter following in her footsteps.
Besides, Obama can actually communicate in full sentences. Palin jumbles random, left-field thoughts together and makes sure that she throws the word "maverick" into every third sentence.
Again, how exactly are they comparable?

I really admire Obamas ability to side step issues and duck questions.He does have a way of speaking thats almost entrancing.But if you really listen to him he says nothing of substance.
Hes a Lawyer and his ability to twist the truth to suit him is amazing.I wish him well in his future job defending ACORN in civil and criminal court.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy

How exactly are they similar? Obama was editor of the Law Review at Harvard Law School. Palin went to 4 or 5 different small schools to get her bachelors degree. Obama spent 12 years as a constitutional law professor before even getting into politics. What exactly has Palin done that is comparable to this, aside from being involved with the Alaskan independence group?
Not to mention that Obama has displayed legitimate family values in his own life. Palin had a child out of wedlock and now has a daughter following in her footsteps.
Besides, Obama can actually communicate in full sentences. Palin jumbles random, left-field thoughts together and makes sure that she throws the word "maverick" into every third sentence.
Again, how exactly are they comparable?

Psst...I think he is comparing political careers.........