Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
YearOfTheNick IS Kirk Cameron.
Arguing with the ultra religious is an effort in futility. The Dead Sea Scrolls prove nothing. Again, fables written by historians. My take on Jesus was he was like a current day 'fire and brimstone' preacher you'd see in those circus tents around the country. He apparently knew magic and slight of hand to convince his victims he was real. Probably didn't take much back then. Shoot, the 'water to wine' trick is done in Vegas all the time.
And you want to dispel that Neanderthals and dinosaurs didn't exist? Come on', you can't be that much of a fanatic. There's PHYSICAL proof, unlike your Second Coming visions. Sounds like all we need to do is disprove The Bible is authentic. That'll burst the bubble of every religious fanatic. So all I have to do is take away your faith, and you have nothing else to live for? You need to get out more...
If I was Kirk Cameron, I'd shoot myself in the head.
I never doubted the existence of Dinosaurs... they obviously existed... we have millions of dino bones to prove it. Clearly you didn't read through what I said.... which was that I don't think Dino's lived the same time that people in biblical times did... but YES I believe dinosaurs existed.
Even if we proved the bible to be a fake, there are way too many other scrolls out there that line up perfectly with the bible... you'd have to prove that 70% of what we found in the middle east is wrong to prove the bible is wrong. Way too many strings attached... but I invite you to try.
Taking away my faith won't take away my will to live dude. I've got a great family, love what I do for a living (construction) and have air in my lungs... and I haven't travelled the world yet... that's definitely something to live for. I'd love to at least take my family around the world before I die.
Actually, I do need to get out more. I'm spending way too much time on this forum taking to you jokers.
YearOfTheNick IS Kirk Cameron.

Arguing with the ultra religious is an effort in futility. The Dead Sea Scrolls prove nothing. Again, fables written by historians. My take on Jesus was he was like a current day 'fire and brimstone' preacher you'd see in those circus tents around the country. He apparently knew magic and slight of hand to convince his victims he was real. Probably didn't take much back then. Shoot, the 'water to wine' trick is done in Vegas all the time.

And you want to dispel that Neanderthals and dinosaurs didn't exist? Come on', you can't be that much of a fanatic. There's PHYSICAL proof, unlike your Second Coming visions. Sounds like all we need to do is disprove The Bible is authentic. That'll burst the bubble of every religious fanatic. So all I have to do is take away your faith, and you have nothing else to live for? You need to get out more...
If I was Kirk Cameron, I'd shoot myself in the head.
I never doubted the existence of Dinosaurs... they obviously existed... we have millions of dino bones to prove it. Clearly you didn't read through what I said.... which was that I don't think Dino's lived the same time that people in biblical times did... but YES I believe dinosaurs existed.
Even if we proved the bible to be a fake, there are way too many other scrolls out there that line up perfectly with the bible... you'd have to prove that 70% of what we found in the middle east is wrong to prove the bible is wrong. Way too many strings attached... but I invite you to try.
Taking away my faith won't take away my will to live dude. I've got a great family, love what I do for a living (construction) and have air in my lungs... and I haven't travelled the world yet... that's definitely something to live for. I'd love to at least take my family around the world before I die.
Actually, I do need to get out more. I'm spending way too much time on this forum taking to you jokers.