Obama is the president elect Please use this thread to talk about and discuss it


Active Member
Look for a combination of a JINDAL/ROMNEY/POLENTE ticket for 2012... That will be a great unbeatable ticket.
AND CK... Did you just drink a REDBULL or something? Dont you have school tomorrow? Dont you have to cut the crusts off your PB & J ?
Just messin wit ya... at least you have a good sense of humor.

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr
Look for a combination of a JINDAL/ROMNEY/POLENTE ticket for 2012... That will be a great unbeatable ticket.
AND CK... Did you just drink a REDBULL or something? Dont you have school tomorrow? Dont you have to cut the crusts off your PB & J ?
Just messin wit ya... at least you have a good sense of humor.
Damn! Are you stalking me or something?!?


Active Member
Prop 8 is still really close. I'm going to bed, too. I'll check in the morning to see if our church can be sued for declining to marry gays and lesbians.


Originally Posted by jennythebugg
anyone that would leave the country soley because of who was elected is someone we probably don't want here anyways...am i right

Whether you or others don't want me here its not relevant to me, because its foreigners like me who are actually in this country not to benefit oneself but for the greater of our native countries and the US alone. I would have moved if Mclain won because I m seriously tired of corrupted government and how one's skin color or ethnic back ground decides what he or she can do(in politics). I wish I could tell you Mclain supporters that I voted for Obama only because of his skin color, but the truth is that I very desagree with Mclain policies and it would not have made a difference to me whether Maclain was green or blue.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MichaelTX
Hey journey whats the reaction over there??
Depends on who you talk to. Some agencies are happy, others are flying their emotional collective flags at half mast.
The military supported McCain 70% to 23% according to a military Times Poll....


Active Member
Originally Posted by lovethesea
I will guess as long as they have "someone" one their watch they don't care.
My cousin was in and out of there for a few years and they are only concerned for themselves. He had many "trainiees tell him (my cousin is from Nevada) "I don't want to leave my family (basically to go maybe 200 miles from thier family).... yeah, they can't or don't want to protect themselves as long as we are there......its too much for them, too much corruption.

That's not really accurate or fair.
First, the Iraqi military and police force has taken far more casualties than anyone else over here.
Second, and more importantly, you have to understand what was going on over here. Men didn't want to leave their families for fear the terrorists will find their families and kill them when they are away.
It's getting better, but we'll see if the recent election re-energizes our enemy.


Active Member

Originally Posted by bluering09
As I watched the news today, I thank God for the right to vote. A few moths ago I posted that if Mclain won I would have moved back to my little poor country( I m glad that is not happining as of now). I urge everyone to calm down, not make this about black and white and to remember to make this country the way it was ment to be.........where the people have the right to voice their opinions with the notion that ones liberty fisnishes when others begin. I guess what Im trying to say is.... Black, White, Chinese or whatever your ethnic is, lets unite and maybe just maybe we will be able to save the reefs.
Thank You,
Ohhh remember........YES WE CAN!
So, if the opponent won you would move, but now that your candidate won you are calling for unity?
I'll support the President, whoever it is, as long as he fulfills his oath:
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States


Active Member
Originally Posted by YearOfTheNick
Dude, under a century ago... it really is pretty recent when you think about the fact that some people still have living grandparents who used to own slaves. When those who once owned slaves are still alive, that's how you know it's not that distant.
Slavery was abolished in 1865 by the ratification of the 13th Amendment.
Those are some really old, old, old living grandparents...


Originally Posted by bburch1
it could be worse palin 2012 and im as far right as they come.

Originally Posted by Whitey
Interesting that when McCain spoke and congratulated Obama, the Rep. crowd booed loudly. When Obama just congratulated McCain, the Dem. crowd cheered loudly.
Speaking of class?
Yeah I thought that was pretty classless. I'm glad McCain calmed them down and his speech was good.
Originally Posted by Alexknight

I think the wrong choice was made, but that's just my opinion.
Palin 2012!
I'm just glad it wasn't close so we don't have to worry about the election being rigged.

Don't kid yourselves. Palin in 2012? She'd get roasted up and down the line by the other republicans running lol.
Congrats to Obama!
A truly inspirational man.

el guapo

Active Member

Originally Posted by bluering09
Whether you or others don't want me here its not relevant to me, because its foreigners like me who are actually in this country not to benefit oneself but for the greater of our native countries and the US alone. I would have moved if Mclain won because I m seriously tired of corrupted government and how one's skin color or ethnic back ground decides what he or she can do(in politics). I wish I could tell you Mclain supporters that I voted for Obama only because of his skin color, but the truth is that I very desagree with Mclain policies and it would not have made a difference to me whether Maclain was green or blue.

FYI political rants hold more power if you can at least get the guys name right . It's not Mclain or Maclain it's McCain .
Originally Posted by 1journeyman

So, if the opponent won you would move, but now that your candidate won you are calling for unity?
I'll support the President, whoever it is, as long as he fulfills his oath:
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States
Weather I like it he is the Commander and chief of the united states and I will respect that position even if I do not agree with his policies . I just hope he does this country good .
I do find it sad that your willing to stay and be part of the system as long as you get your way but had you not you would be moving . To me that sums up what is WRONG
With this country .


Active Member
Barak yeah!
Thank goodness we don't have that wolf hunting, polar bear killing, wildlife refuge drilling, non pro-choice slack-jawed Beeeeatch in the office!!!!

37g joe

First of al Crimzy lets not insult those who find the constitution to be the fundamental framework of our nation and categorize those who choose to practice their second amendment rights and lump them together and call them stupid and insight fear saying that legal gun owners are treasonous and would do such an act when for the most part they are the exact opposite. I believe that is against moderator rules. I understand you probably will try to spin what you said but it is quite clear what you meant.
On a side bar I was recently in a discussion where a question was posed. It is in relation to the fact sadly as we all know there are still people in our country who will not vote for a person mainly because of that persons race but also that their seems to be a large group who's main reason for choosing a candidate is because of that’s candidates race.
The two questions I pose are.
Which is worse for an individual to mainly not vote for a candidate because of their ethnicity or for a person's main reason to vote for someone is because of that c candidate’s ethnicity.
Second question: Which of those two previous scenarios in the last question affected the presidential race more?



Originally Posted by EL GUAPO
FYI political rants hold more power if you can at least get the guys name right . It's not Mclain or Maclain it's McCain .
Weather I like it he is the Commander and chief of the united states and I will respect that position even if I do not agree with his policies . I just hope he does this country good .
I do find it sad that your willing to stay and be part of the system as long as you get your way but had you not you would be moving . To me that sums up what is WRONG
With this country .
Well its clear that there is nothing I will say that will change anyones mind but I end with this note: I guarantee you that regardless of how bad of a speller I m, I m not whats wrong with this country(and I got my very small list of achievements to prove it). I m about change for good specially in politics, specially if this change will help the country in which I reside. It is no change at all that forces people like me to move from our native lands in order to survive. It is no change at all that leave many countries with bad economy(financial crisis), political policies, and with most of its people being prosecuted (mostly minority) Obama winning is not me getting my way but rather about CHANGE. And I didnt see that with McCain.