Obama is the president elect Please use this thread to talk about and discuss it


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
..... Besides, Dubya has had 8 years to prove he's an idiot.
See, what's funny is you have no problem calling our current President an idiot for the past eight years, yet you begin to foam at the mouth when we point out Obama's past.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
See, what's funny is you have no problem calling our current President an idiot for the past eight years, yet you begin to foam at the mouth when we point out Obama's past.
The foaming coming from who????????
A twist
See, what's funny is you have no problem foaming at the mouth for the President-Elect. Yet anyone mentions 8 years of Presidential failure you freak-out...


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
The foaming coming from who????????
A twist
See, what's funny is you have no problem foaming at the mouth for the President-Elect. Yet anyone mentions 8 years of Presidential failure you freak-out...
Feel free to quote me where you feel I freaked out... Feel free to quote me where I made up "facts" to support my candidate. Feel free to quote me where I used personal attacks to demean other posters with whom I do not agree.


Active Member
Don't get too used to it. The Obamanistas will look to the federal gas tax to fill their pockets. I wouldn't be surprised if the tax is quadrupled.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Don't get too used to it. The Obamanistas will look to the federal gas tax to fill their pockets. I wouldn't be surprised if the tax is quadrupled.
Compounded by his plan to tax the coal industry into bankruptcy.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Don't get too used to it. The Obamanistas will look to the federal gas tax to fill their pockets. I wouldn't be surprised if the tax is quadrupled.
I hope we are wrong , but I agree with you!


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Don't get too used to it..
Ditto on the low oil cost. This will go back up after the Holiday season is over. Though it could stay lower longer if the speculators continue to stay out of the violent roller-coaster stock market ride. Haven't you asked yourself why it is this low with all of the recent events that in just a short while ago would have set new record highs!
Maybe it's just fears from big oil that a new non-oil-man will be coming in with a true plan for something other than big oil for energy... Could be- but I am betting on fears of speculators get caught by manipulation.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
So if you are in the minority, you should shut up and just support what ever, as your side is the minority and deserves to not be allowed freedom of speech. So much for equality and constitutional rights. I guess since homosexuals are in the minority they have to just shut up and support a congressional amendment to ban gay marriage then, they are after all the minority and should not voice disapproval of such an act. Do you realize how asinine your rebuttal is?
Learn to read. I said IF I was the minority, which I'm not. The majority of Americans have disagreed with Bush's policies for years, ergo why his approval ratings are so low. Me castigating McCain and Palin during the election campaign is completely different from my opnions against Bush. They weren't in office yet. Sure I disagreed with some of their points, but not as many as you disagreed with Obama's. That's the point I'm making. You're letting the right-wing media tell you what the guy is going to do before he's even sworn in. Try using your own brain and decide for yourself once he's in office. Believe me, if Obama implements something I disagree with, I'll be the first to tell you. Right now, he's leaning towards helping the Big 3. I don't agree with that. Everything you're saying this guy MAY do might actually occur. If so, then you have every right to complain and do what you think is right to change it.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Learn to read. I said IF I was the minority, which I'm not. The majority of Americans have disagreed with Bush's policies for years, ergo why his approval ratings are so low. Me castigating McCain and Palin during the election campaign is completely different from my opnions against Bush. They weren't in office yet. Sure I disagreed with some of their points, but not as many as you disagreed with Obama's. That's the point I'm making. You're letting the right-wing media tell you what the guy is going to do before he's even sworn in. Try using your own brain and decide for yourself once he's in office. Believe me, if Obama implements something I disagree with, I'll be the first to tell you. Right now, he's leaning towards helping the Big 3. I don't agree with that. Everything you're saying this guy MAY do might actually occur. If so, then you have every right to complain and do what you think is right to change it.
I read just fine. Maybe you need to learn better.
I clearly said
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
So if you are in the minority, you should shut up and just support what ever, as your side is the minority and deserves to not be allowed freedom of speech. So much for equality and constitutional rights. I guess since homosexuals are in the minority they have to just shut up and support a congressional amendment to ban gay marriage then, they are after all the minority and should not voice disapproval of such an act. Do you realize how asinine your rebuttal is?
SECOND, I am so glad you know my sources. I haven't listened to conservative talk radio since the election is over. Been listening to air america and been forming my opinions from what they have been saying. You assume much, and you not what they say about those that assume.,........
Regardless, your belief is, if you are in the minority you should shut up, this is what you said, period. Nice view you got there. And stop trying to color your own stance, I highly doubt you will saying anything against the chosen one in the first 2 years. Yesterday he promised to create 2.5 million new jobs by the end of his second year......how?


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
Ditto on the low oil cost. This will go back up after the Holiday season is over. Though it could stay lower longer if the speculators continue to stay out of the violent roller-coaster stock market ride. Haven't you asked yourself why it is this low with all of the recent events that in just a short while ago would have set new record highs!
Maybe it's just fears from big oil that a new non-oil-man will be coming in with a true plan for something other than big oil for energy... Could be- but I am betting on fears of speculators get caught by manipulation.
Gas taxes are going up. The liberals love high gas prices as long as they are making the profits.
All that aside all the same problems that existed 6 months ago are still here. Once the world economy starts to pick up oil demand will skyrocket. I just hope Obama has people in place who understand the urgancy to expand domestic drilling now so we can not only take advantage of the jobs that will be created but also soften the blow a bit.
If oil stays above 50 bux a barrel alteratives will happen no matter who is in office. But it can't happen over night. I suspect Chevy could sell as many Volts as they could build but they cant get them to the market until 2010.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
I suspect Chevy could sell as many Volts as they could build but they cant get them to the market until 2010.
I suspect you're right, but only because if they want any federal money, they are going to have to let nancy (I can't run the senate cafeteria) Pelosi approve design of their new cars. Remember the 70's when clean air standards destroyed the quality of our cars? It is going to happen all over again...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
I read just fine. Maybe you need to learn better.
I clearly said
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
So if you are in the minority, you should shut up and just support what ever, as your side is the minority and deserves to not be allowed freedom of speech. So much for equality and constitutional rights. I guess since homosexuals are in the minority they have to just shut up and support a congressional amendment to ban gay marriage then, they are after all the minority and should not voice disapproval of such an act. Do you realize how asinine your rebuttal is?
SECOND, I am so glad you know my sources. I haven't listened to conservative talk radio since the election is over. Been listening to air america and been forming my opinions from what they have been saying. You assume much, and you not what they say about those that assume.,........
Regardless, your belief is, if you are in the minority you should shut up, this is what you said, period. Nice view you got there. And stop trying to color your own stance, I highly doubt you will saying anything against the chosen one in the first 2 years. Yesterday he promised to create 2.5 million new jobs by the end of his second year......how?
You twist words around more than journey. I said nothing about minority rights. All I said is "If I was the minority, I would agree with you." I was answering YOUR question about not supporting Bush. That's it. A MINORITY OF AMERICANS SUPPORT BUSH. LESS THAN 20%. Do I have to spell it out in simpler terms for you?
You know nothing about me. I have never been a blind supporter of any elected official. Just because I voted for the guy doesn't mean I agree with every one of his policies. If you think I do, then you're an idiot. How will he create that many jobs? Don't know. He is usually good about spelling out his specific plans, unlike Bush and McCain who just talk in circles. I hope he does. Guess we'll have to WAIT AND SEE what happens.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
Remember the 70's when clean air standards destroyed the quality of our cars?
I'm curious, what was destroyed? I would never say that a car from the 50s or 60s was of better quality, there are a couple of them I would like to own and renovate, but better quality? I would never want to drive one of those everyday. maybe its just me.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sickboy
I'm curious, what was destroyed? I would never say that a car from the 50s or 60s was of better quality, there are a couple of them I would like to own and renovate, but better quality? I would never want to drive one of those everyday. maybe its just me.

Well for an example do some research on a vette. When they went to the third generation, they had all sorts of problems, a lot of it due to safety and clean air standards. Their performance especially. But hey at least it had a bumper.
It can be very easily attributed it government intervention and chevy taking a while to figure out how to change their technology.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sickboy
I'm curious, what was destroyed? I would never say that a car from the 50s or 60s was of better quality, there are a couple of them I would like to own and renovate, but better quality? I would never want to drive one of those everyday. maybe its just me.
Are you crazy? There is no comparison to the quality of the majority of the cars built in the 50's and 60's to what came out in the 70's. In fact in many aspects the stuff thats made today doesn't even come close. I remember when the only plastic on a car was the tail light lenses


Active Member
the only thing i have to say about this presidential RACE is:
That is was based on color and i am not talking about RED or BLUE. Thats a real shame, america.
(i am not saying everybody did this but more evidence shows this than anyting else.)


Active Member
and dont forget the commemorative plate that showcases his 'kind eyes'
i love how on that commercial they have that whole family sitting around a coffee table admiring the plate