Obama is the president elect Please use this thread to talk about and discuss it


Active Member
Originally Posted by bburch1
good job america you elected an anti semetic.
omg. u so went there.
everyone needs to freaking CALM DOWN. nothing will change. he wont DO anything. he CAN'T do anything. none of them can. this is all an illusion.
i have to go sedate my Mother.
please, promise me you'll all calm down. it's going to be ok. the sun will rise & set. the tides will ebb and flow. tomorrow will come and go just like yesterday did. it's all going to be ok.


New Member
bring on the pork! change... its all im going to have left in my wallet. Now I want to work at walmart. So in another four years I can crawl out from my gov't issued rock to vote again...


Originally Posted by Mimzy
omg. u so went there.
everyone needs to freaking CALM DOWN. nothing will change. he wont DO anything. he CAN'T do anything. none of them can. this is all an illusion.
i have to go sedate my Mother.
please, promise me you'll all calm down. it's going to be ok. the sun will rise & set. the tides will ebb and flow. tomorrow will come and go just like yesterday did. it's all going to be ok.
You forget...they have the HOUSE too...we are doomed.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mimzy
omg. u so went there.
everyone needs to freaking CALM DOWN. nothing will change. he wont DO anything. he CAN'T do anything. none of them can. this is all an illusion.
i have to go sedate my Mother.
please, promise me you'll all calm down. it's going to be ok. the sun will rise & set. the tides will ebb and flow. tomorrow will come and go just like yesterday did. it's all going to be ok.

el guapo

Active Member
Wow Whitey you must really think that's something special . I bet you have been waiting weeks to use it .


Originally Posted by EL GUAPO
Wow Whitey you must really think that's something special . I bet you have been waiting weeks to use it .
Nope, I only post it when it's warranted when people cry about stuff on an internet message board.


Congratulations to Barack, and God bless America. I did not vote for him, but if he's my president, I'll back Barack. Good night, and good luck.

el guapo

Active Member
Originally Posted by usirchchris
You forget...they have the HOUSE too...we are doomed.

Well the up side is next election is a shoe in . They won't be able to point the finger and blame the republicans .


Active Member
This is great... the people finally got it right with the presidency.
Republicans... just don't open your door for the next couple of days... the socialists are coming to get you.


Active Member
I am thankful that we have progressed enough as a country to nominate an African-American for President.
A reporter said something very interesting tonight, saying that Obama's cool head consistently throughout the entire candidacy has really been a factor... I would agree that Obama is definitely level-headed. In considering foreign affairs, let's hope that the cool-headed suave-ness of Obama's nature will overpower his lack of experience.
We'll see soon enough.


New Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
This is great... the people finally got it right with the presidency.
Republicans... just don't open your door for the next couple of days... the socialists are coming to get you.

nope just my money!