Obama is the president elect Please use this thread to talk about and discuss it


New Member
there are two things that are infinite. The universe and human stupidity. And i dont know about the universe. Albert Einstein


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mimzy
what i said has nothing to do with his politics or what's going to happen during his term. it has to do with what's going on in rural, and not so rural areas of the country right now. we finally have made the leap and elected an African American to the presidency.... and now there are rioting IDIOTS all over the place. I'm worried about my front lawn and my windows and my safety. not my freaking taxes right now.
One giant leap for human rights, one giant leap backward for human rights.
stupid, stupid, STUPID humans.
I'm so mad right now.
Is this guy going to make it through a term in office? There are a lot of stupid people with guns out there.


Active Member
well.........OK........I have seen Jesse Jackson about a dozen times in the past few minutes.
Note to President elect Obama...........S E P A R A T E.........now.
Moving forward....CHANGE.


Originally Posted by Mimzy
what i said has nothing to do with his politics or what's going to happen during his term. it has to do with what's going on in rural, and not so rural areas of the country right now. we finally have made the leap and elected an African American to the presidency.... and now there are rioting IDIOTS all over the place. I'm worried about my front lawn and my windows and my safety. not my freaking taxes right now.
One giant leap for human rights, one giant leap backward for human rights.
stupid, stupid, STUPID humans.
I'm so mad right now.
Where is rioting going on?
I haven't seen anything reported.


Active Member
You're always going to have the extremist bone-heads who break windows and scare people all for nothing... those people are selfish, and just do it to feel satisfaction in knowing that the did something for their cause, but it's a lose-lose... not only does it make them look bad, it makes all republicans look bad.
I was a strong supporter of McCain and registered a Republican. I applaud Obama's victory as it was well-deserved.
On the other side, I think if Obama lost, there would likely be much more rioting, and I can say that because overall the Obama supporters were far more loud and opinionated in voicing their opinions.


Active Member
Channukah is right around the corner.
Kwanzaa is, too.
Christmas is swell as well.
I have things to look forward to.
I'll kiss my wife, hug my children and pray.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mimzy
im gonna be SO ***** if i wake up to a burning cross on my front lawn.
there are already reports of rioting white supremacists. awesome.
humanity is like, SO awesome. SO SO SO awesome. I just LOVE being a member of the human race.

Im sure all of those White Surpremacists emails, websites both visible and underground are being thoroughly scanned for "chatter". I tell you what though the Secret Service will be on High Alert these 4 years. Just like they are on High Alert right now for Bush im sure.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
Is this guy going to make it through a term in office? There are a lot of stupid people with guns out there.
i was thinking the same thing , i hope nobody does anything stupid cause then its biden,then pelosi


Originally Posted by Mimzy
what i said has nothing to do with his politics or what's going to happen during his term. it has to do with what's going on in rural, and not so rural areas of the country right now. we finally have made the leap and elected an African American to the presidency.... and now there are rioting IDIOTS all over the place. I'm worried about my front lawn and my windows and my safety. not my freaking taxes right now.
One giant leap for human rights, one giant leap backward for human rights.
stupid, stupid, STUPID humans.
I'm so mad right now.
Mimzy, I agree. I have seen a lot of news broadcasts of that nature. It scares me too. It may work out for the country, only time will tell, but there are an awful lot of people that are now going nuts. He is talking about race right now. "The American Dream". Race is NOT a reason to elect a president. He is making it racial right now. This is going to be scary. All I am hearing is "Yes We Can" not about politics, about race.


Originally Posted by crimzy
Is this guy going to make it through a term in office? There are a lot of stupid people with guns out there.
I certainly hope so. Barack being elected is not the black eye of politics...this indeed would be the black eye of american politics if something were to happen to him. He ran a good race, and the people have spoken...nough said. I don't like his policies, but would never disrespect him, or someone that does believe in his policies. If they don't like it...they can borrow my yellow pages for any number of moving companies.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
Mimzy, I agree. I have seen a lot of news broadcasts of that nature. It scares me too. It may work out for the country, only time will tell, but there are an awful lot of people that are now going nuts. He is talking about race right now. "The American Dream". Race is NOT a reason to elect a president. He is making it racial right now. This is going to be scary. All I am hearing is "Yes We Can" not about politics, about race.
You have an excellent point. Its funny how he uses the battles with opression of our past to give us hope for the future.


Originally Posted by YearOfTheNick
You have an excellent point. Its funny how he uses the battles with opression of our past to give us hope for the future.
Right. I wasn't getting that so much in the debates but I have sure seen a lot of it tonight. An incredible amount of it tonight...


Active Member
oh, I forgot about Oprah........please, she has more security that Obama!!!

Jesse, stop your tears, no one can help you now. Clean up your act and start acting like a human being...a member of the HUMAN race...

the Human race..........