Obama supporters. I have one question


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
How does being "really" knowledgable make him a fool?
Anybody that claims the US govt invented the AIDS virus to kill black people is not only a fool but a whacko loon.
Where's the direct evidence as to the government officials directly responsible for this?
I forgot...he says the gov't is capable of anything so I guess that would make any whacked out comment fair game for Uncle Miltie. No need for any direct evidence.


Active Member

Originally Posted by Rylan1
Since Rev Wright has come out and spoken.. anyone have any new
thoughts about what has been said recently, or how this will effect Obama?
He was escorted by Jamil Muhammad,now that's building bridges.
Wright blamed God for making him black.
"He is one of the most important voices in the 20th and 21st century. . . . Louis Farrakhan is not my enemy. He did not put me in chains, he did not put me in slavery and he didn't make me this color."


Active Member
Originally Posted by gonefishcrazy
Im so tired of hearing about Mr. Wright.
I dont think he can hurt Obama anymore.
People who has made the campaign about him will never change their minds, these are the people who was never voting for him anyway.
People who knows Wright is not running for president, LIKE ME, that never phased me and will never phase me
. JMO.
Of course ...it's part of NObama's associations, judgement and record which is contrary to his words, actions, webapge, speeches and mantra.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I'm now convinced the "rev" is a liar, on top of his other faults?
He says "I was taken out of context..." Really? Cause I've heard much larger excerpts than the sound bites, and gotta say, no he wasn't.
And yet another tape surfaced today... NObama's #1 Uncle accuses US gov't of being equivalent to AQ.
I guess NObama will soon go on record as being absent on that day too.


Active Member
Originally Posted by gonefishcrazy
Im so tired of hearing about Mr. Wright.
I dont think he can hurt Obama anymore.
People who has made the campaign about him will never change their minds, these are the people who was never voting for him anyway.
People who knows Wright is not running for president, LIKE ME, that never phased me and will never phase me
. JMO.
Obama has been in office for a tiny amount of time. He has done exactly nothing as far as major legislation since he has been a Senator.
If you don't judge him on the people he hires as advisors, what exactly do you base your opinion of him on?


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
And yet another tape surfaced today... NObama's #1 Uncle accuses US gov't of being equivalent to AQ.
I guess NObama will soon go on record as being absent on that day too.

He also compared the USMC to the Romans torturing Jesus!
"show me your friends and I'll show you your future"


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Hey, I am getting all my right wing wackos mixed up! Are you the guy who runs his own business, and volunteers to help people at Home Depot, but yet still finds time to spends hours daily on the internet? Or are you the guy who doesn't work and lives off his wifes military income? Or the guy who only works a few months a year bringing Democracy and partisan politics to the people of Iraq, spending the rest of the year here posting all day and night long?
I myself prefer to use my free time playing with my reef tanks, or my garden, or skiing or hiking. You guys must have a lot more free time than me, if you can post here constantly all day long (since no one here but me posts at work). You guys must all be retired to have so much free time! But still, I wonder how boring your free time is to be here so much....
You could volunteer to help at Home Depot. Then you could interact with real people!

I volunteer on an ARMY POST. I also have certain charities we send money too and support. Even after working for Jacksonville youth sanctuary I donated my weekends to taking the kids camping fishing pick them up for church etc. I also would goto homeless shelters give them rides clothing etc. I volunteer for the homeless coalition as well doing the counts walking under the bridges feeding them building homes for them etc. I can go on if you like. I was on the board for the homeless coalition as well and been asked on to serve on other boards as well but have declined. I like to be more behind the scene TBH.


Active Member
Originally Posted by oscardeuce
He was escorted by Jamil Muhammad,now that's building bridges.
Wright blamed God for making him black.
"He is one of the most important voices in the 20th and 21st century. . . . Louis Farrakhan is not my enemy. He did not put me in chains, he did not put me in slavery and he didn't make me this color."
Ya, how old is the "Rev" anyway? Slavery has been outlawed in the USA for 150 years. When was he in chains exactly?
The more of him I hear this weekend the sicker he becomes. The latest spill I heard was him comparing our soldiers in Iraq to the Roman soldiers who beat Christ. He did a whole diatribe on the Roman "occupiers" and the US Marine "occupiers"...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Hey, I am getting all my right wing wackos mixed up! Are you the guy who runs his own business, and volunteers to help people at Home Depot, but yet still finds time to spends hours daily on the internet? Or are you the guy who doesn't work and lives off his wifes military income? Or the guy who only works a few months a year bringing Democracy and partisan politics to the people of Iraq, spending the rest of the year here posting all day and night long?
I myself prefer to use my free time playing with my reef tanks, or my garden, or skiing or hiking. You guys must have a lot more free time than me, if you can post here constantly all day long (since no one here but me posts at work). You guys must all be retired to have so much free time! But still, I wonder how boring your free time is to be here so much....
You could volunteer to help at Home Depot. Then you could interact with real people!
My profession is posted in my profile...and I usually come here on some nights after a long day at work.
As per your own words...I realize you only come here on your employers nickle. As to what you do with your spare time is not of importance to me....unless you are the designated fainter at the Nobama pep rallies.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
How does that make him a liar? How do you know what he intended to say? And who doesn't have faults? I think you are being overly judgmental... As to the comments of GD america... it was taken out of context.
So...are you prepared to say David Duke, terrorists, all members of hate orgnizations as just having some "faults"?
Yet more excuses to excuse away hate america and racist mantra coming from the far left crowd...thay can be given a list of excuses and we are just all supposed to go along with the program.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
So pimping does not mean selling prostitutes to men anymore? .
No...according to the far left wing reporter Shuster (spell) working for NBC the Clintons were pimpin Chelsea for votes. So....start with the far left crowd and work your way over to the right for evolving definitions of "pimpin"...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
I'm done with talking about Wright... he is not running for president first of all..
I see one of your fellow fainters has created a NObama supporters only lovefest thread. Why not join that thread if you find the subject matter here not to your approval?
I've only briefly touched on Ayers...and still waitng for the Rezko trial shoe to hit the floor.
make sure you have plenty juice for all the fainters over on the NObama hopefest thread..
While Wright may not be running for president...his number one nephew sat in the pew for 20 years cheering on his Uncle. Also, he was a high ranking committee member on the NObama campaign.....placing his Uncle Miltie right in the "mix". Of course, he left the campaign after NObama was smoked from his pew.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
How does that make him a liar? How do you know what he intended to say? And who doesn't have faults? I think you are being overly judgmental... As to the comments of GD america... it was taken out of context.
Seems like many of his sermons have a "politcal" theme. Uncle rev wright now claims this message is typical for the black church. While I do not agree with this...perhaps Rev should make a list so the IRS can revoke their exemptions so we can collect taxes form these political organizations. That would help bring down that deficit you been crying about over numerous threads and pages.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
How does that make him a liar? How do you know what he intended to say? And who doesn't have faults? I think you are being overly judgmental... As to the comments of GD america... it was taken out of context.
Rylan...you had posted earlier in this thread that NObama claimed to have talked to his Uncle Rev Wright. You stated Rev told #1 nephew he regretted some of his comments he made in his "sermons". Did you hear ANY regret recently from the ranting of Uncle Wright?
You claimed NObama was asked and this is what he stated regrding his Uncle having regrets.
I didn't here Uncle express any regret......so I ask you...who lied?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
So, none of you guys post at work?
No, my schedule at work is such I have no goof off time or down time.
They pay me quite well and keep me very busy. I've never been much of a slacker on any job I have held past or present.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
and concentrate on issues that takeaway from the very real and serious problems we face as a country.
Having at a mimimum a supporter of hate whitey, jews and america as a presidential candidate is an issue for me.
If you wish to support NObama and his unlcle you are free to do so.
I for one will remain on task as I do not beleive the office of the president should be held by one that supported these views for 20 years.
You can also move over to the NObama Supporter Changefest only thread that has been started by one of the NObama folks as I suggested.
I have lived up to my word that I would not rain on the "festival".
You guys can discuss the gospel according to NObama. All I would have to offer is his actual record as a far left liberal champion in 2007, his associations, judgement, etc.
I realize that is not something the NObama supporters wish to discuss...so I would have nothing of non-substance to offer over on the NObama rally thread.
You could make the thread short though...simply point to the NObama website....and you're done.

Please keep the thread faintings to one per page.


Active Member
I never dreamed there could possibly be over two thousand, nine hundred posts regarding one question for Obama supporters. Since I don't have TV, this thread is my only real source for info on the man. Thanks for keeping me informed guys.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
Rylan...you had posted earlier in this thread that NObama claimed....
You claimed NObama.....
After you say it a few times it kinda sticks, doesn't it. I have such a hard time not calling him Obama Bin Laden. It just rolls off the tongue. I'm not saying he is a terrorist or anything. It's just hard not to call him that. I have the same issues with Hillbilly Clinton. Being from Missouri, we always had bad things to say about them Clintons anyway.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Yep Journey, Suzy would never take a shot at anybody. Woke up way early and thought this might help me get sleepy again
Suzy's greatest hits (The easy to locate one's anyway)With post numbers
Hey, I am getting all my right wing wackos mixed up! Are you the guy who runs his own business, and volunteers to help people at Home Depot, but yet still finds time to spends hours daily on the internet? Or are you the guy who doesn't work and lives off his wifes military income? Or the guy who only works a few months a year bringing Democracy and partisan politics to the people of Iraq, spending the rest of the year here posting all day and night long?
You guys must all be retired to have so much free time! But still, I wonder how boring your free time is to be here so much....
You could volunteer to help at Home Depot. Then you could interact with real people!
“Rylan, don't go! If you quit playing their game, they will be just a bunch of retired old grumpy men talking to themselves!”
Yes. If they were patriotic, they would enlist, go to the front lines for $26 grand a year. They are war profiteers. They will get a special place in hell, along with all the chickens hawks here who would sacrifice everyone elses son, and keep glorifying war. You are pathetic.
No, I haven't forgot, Rambo. You go and kill everyone you see. Maybe you'll get to kill lots and lots of evil doers. Be sure to get everyone so they can't come here.
My gift to my country is to fix your spelling. And, in the future, I will ignore you if you ignore me. Deal?
I fixed a few punctuation issues, too.
You don't like the Red Cross link?
Well, here is the scoop, dt. This is a little complicated so I'll try to dumb it down so you can understand.
Not one veto to any spending bill.
I think you are talking out both sides of your axx.
So, why don't you love America like I do? Why do you want Iraqi children to die? Why are you so willing to have so many Americans die in a rash war? Why do you hate America?
Debating with you is like debating with my iPod, except my iPod has a sexy video of Nickleback and loud screaming music and it is cool. I guess it's not like debating with you.
You know you are the typical stubborn my-way-or-you're-a-placelabelhere hater.
Your mama muss be so proud of her widdle boy who can write big words! Now, go give her a kissy!
You can say what ever you like,but know we think you are a chicken hawk.
Ok. JM, I must admit, I did say I would not return to your site. But, I must say, I find this site very intriguing. Like I said, I can blow off the routine poster, for all I know these guys are on crack or living in a Limbaugh world. You and I both know there are freaks everywhere.

I think you missed the "bite me" post.