Obama supporters. I have one question


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Yep Journey, Suzy would never take a shot at anybody. Woke up way early and thought this might help me get sleepy again
Suzy's greatest hits (The easy to locate one's anyway)With post numbers
Hey, I am getting all my right wing wackos mixed up! Are you the guy who runs his own business, and volunteers to help people at Home Depot, but yet still finds time to spends hours daily on the internet? Or are you the guy who doesn't work and lives off his wifes military income? Or the guy who only works a few months a year bringing Democracy and partisan politics to the people of Iraq, spending the rest of the year here posting all day and night long?
You guys must all be retired to have so much free time! But still, I wonder how boring your free time is to be here so much....
You could volunteer to help at Home Depot. Then you could interact with real people!
“Rylan, don't go! If you quit playing their game, they will be just a bunch of retired old grumpy men talking to themselves!”
Yes. If they were patriotic, they would enlist, go to the front lines for $26 grand a year. They are war profiteers. They will get a special place in hell, along with all the chickens hawks here who would sacrifice everyone elses son, and keep glorifying war. You are pathetic.
No, I haven't forgot, Rambo. You go and kill everyone you see. Maybe you'll get to kill lots and lots of evil doers. Be sure to get everyone so they can't come here.
My gift to my country is to fix your spelling. And, in the future, I will ignore you if you ignore me. Deal?
I fixed a few punctuation issues, too.
You don't like the Red Cross link?
Well, here is the scoop, dt. This is a little complicated so I'll try to dumb it down so you can understand.
Not one veto to any spending bill.
I think you are talking out both sides of your axx.
So, why don't you love America like I do? Why do you want Iraqi children to die? Why are you so willing to have so many Americans die in a rash war? Why do you hate America?
Debating with you is like debating with my iPod, except my iPod has a sexy video of Nickleback and loud screaming music and it is cool. I guess it's not like debating with you.
You know you are the typical stubborn my-way-or-you're-a-placelabelhere hater.
Your mama muss be so proud of her widdle boy who can write big words! Now, go give her a kissy!
You can say what ever you like,but know we think you are a chicken hawk.
Ok. JM, I must admit, I did say I would not return to your site. But, I must say, I find this site very intriguing. Like I said, I can blow off the routine poster, for all I know these guys are on crack or living in a Limbaugh world. You and I both know there are freaks everywhere.
dude get some sleep. They have medicine for that if you're having problems.


Active Member
Since Rev Wright has come out and spoken.. anyone have any new thoughts about what has been said recently, or how this will effect Obama?


Active Member

Originally Posted by Rylan1
Since Rev Wright has come out and spoken.. anyone have any new
thoughts about what has been said recently, or how this will effect Obama?
I liked his, obama is -just saying what a politician has to say idea- refering to Obama's infamous I'm a racist you're a racist we are all racists together speech.


Active Member

Originally Posted by Rylan1
Since Rev Wright has come out and spoken.. anyone have any new
thoughts about what has been said recently, or how this will effect Obama?
Yeah the guy is a fool. He is really knowledgable on the bible and a pretty good and interesting speaker when he sticks to biblical topics, it's just impossible to filter out the other crap he seems determined to throw in even at this point.


Active Member

Originally Posted by Rylan1
Since Rev Wright has come out and spoken.. anyone have any new
thoughts about what has been said recently, or how this will effect Obama?
I'm now convinced the "rev" is a liar, on top of his other faults?
He says "I was taken out of context..." Really? Cause I've heard much larger excerpts than the sound bites, and gotta say, no he wasn't.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I'm now convinced the "rev" is a liar, on top of his other faults?
He says "I was taken out of context..." Really? Cause I've heard much larger excerpts than the sound bites, and gotta say, no he wasn't.
How does that make him a liar? How do you know what he intended to say? And who doesn't have faults? I think you are being overly judgmental... As to the comments of GD america... it was taken out of context.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Yeah the guy is a fool. He is really knowledgable on the bible and a pretty good and interesting speaker when he sticks to biblical topics, it's just impossible to filter out the other crap he seems determined to throw in even at this point.
How does being "really" knowledgable make him a fool?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
How does that make him a liar? How do you know what he intended to say? And who doesn't have faults? I think you are being overly judgmental... As to the comments of GD america... it was taken out of context.
Not really. as stated before he didn't say God "will" dmn american. He said "God dmn America". If using your argument that is was warning, (compairing america to like AI or Sodom and Gamora) you wouldn't use that verb tense. Simple grammer. I would say God will curse you. God cursed you, God is cursing you. If any of those were use then you would have a decent argument. But he said God curse you. There is not wiggle room in what he said for your argument.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Rylan, I personally believe had Wright just faded away into the background like was happenning, Obama would be in a much better position. Now that Wright is doing interviews and openning his mouth about a few things it is just fueling the clinton campaign. If he keeps it up, Clinton's victories will get bigger and bigger and fore the suyper delegates to possibly cast with her as Obama is not being paqinted well....from a republican stand point, Wright speaking is the best thing to happen to McCain. From a poliical point of view I feel it will seal Clinton getting the nomination.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
How does being "really" knowledgable make him a fool?
One who is deficient in judgment, sense, or understanding.
One who acts unwisely on a given occasion: I was a fool to have quit my job.
One who has been tricked or made to appear ridiculous; a dupe: They made a fool of me by pretending I had won.
Informal A person with a talent or enthusiasm for a certain activity: a dancing fool; a fool for skiing.
A member of a royal or noble household who provided entertainment, as with jokes or antics; a jester.
One who subverts convention or orthodoxy or varies from social conformity in order to reveal spiritual or moral truth: a holy fool.
You can have all the knowledge in the world but it is useless without the sense to know how to use it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Rylan, I personally believe had Wright just faded away into the background like was happenning, Obama would be in a much better position. Now that Wright is doing interviews and openning his mouth about a few things it is just fueling the clinton campaign. If he keeps it up, Clinton's victories will get bigger and bigger and fore the suyper delegates to possibly cast with her as Obama is not being paqinted well....from a republican stand point, Wright speaking is the best thing to happen to McCain. From a poliical point of view I feel it will seal Clinton getting the nomination.
I was watching BSMBC and even the Obo lovers were saying this is a bad thing. Turns out Wright has a book to hype so he has millions of reasons to keep his name in the news.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
How does that make him a liar? How do you know what he intended to say? And who doesn't have faults? I think you are being overly judgmental... As to the comments of GD america... it was taken out of context.
Rylan, he didn't say he was misunderstood, he said his comments were taken out of context. Further, he lied when he said he was quoting the Ambassador to Iraq.


Active Member
I further love how the "Rev" Wright says: "For every one Oprah, a billionaire, you've got 5 million blacks who out of work. For every one Colin Powell, a millionaire, you've got 10 million blacks who cannot read. For every one Condoskeeza Rice, you've got 1 million in prison. For every one Tiger Woods, who needs to get beat, at the Masters, with his cap, blazin' hips playing on a course that discriminates against women. God has his way of bringing you up short when you get to big for your cap, blazin britches. For every one Tiger Woods, we got 10,000 black kids who will never see a golf course. The United States government has failed the vast majority of her citizens of African descent...."
...and then moves into his 10,000 square foot, 1.3 million dollar home... When are his chickens coming home to roost?

Originally Posted by Rylan1
Since Rev Wright has come out and spoken.. anyone have any new
thoughts about what has been said recently, or how this will effect Obama?
Im so tired of hearing about Mr. Wright.
I dont think he can hurt Obama anymore.
People who has made the campaign about him will never change their minds, these are the people who was never voting for him anyway.
People who knows Wright is not running for president, LIKE ME, that never phased me and will never phase me
. JMO.


Active Member
Originally Posted by gonefishcrazy
Im so tired of hearing about Mr. Wright.
I dont think he can hurt Obama anymore.
People who has made the campaign about him will never change their minds, these are the people who was never voting for him anyway.
People who knows Wright is not running for president, LIKE ME, that never phased me and will never phase me
. JMO.
first off, congrats on making good use of the smilie icons. you don't think Wright can hurt him anymore? lmao. you do realize that this stuff with Wright only came out fairly recently after many of the primaries in which which Obama was only managing to run neck and neck with the largely despised She-Clinton, right? now that some of Obama's far leftist associations are coming out of the woodwork, you really think he is going to actually pick up votes? don't count on it. McCain isn't exactly Bush....he's a lot more "moderate" (ie, left leaning Republican) than Bush. personally, I predict a landslide for McCain, even though I think he'll be an atrocious president.
the assessment about anti-Obama voters not changing their minds about voting for him....fair enough. but what about the staunch Obama supporters that aren't going to change their minds no matter what skeletons come out of his closet? no mention of the record number of black voters who are coming out, most of whom are voting for Obama for the sole reason that he is black? hmm. seriously, a guy like Wright who clearly hates America and being that close to Obama. that doesn't give you any pause at all? no, he's not running for president. and the oil companies weren't running for president in 00 and 04, but Bush being elected sure didn't hurt their agenda, did it?


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
"My webpage is me!", huh?
Anyway... Suzy, standards are not "lax" around here. No one called anyone a "whore".
You're not a martyr Suzy. If you feel a post is out of line feel free to pm a Mod for them to take a look at it.
I made a comment about your profile and about you saying the Dr. was checking you out and it was deleted ASAP by journey. It was not an attack but he felt it was. My opinion was removed and he has the right to do so and I will not argue it.
Originally Posted by Suzy
Hey, it's cool. He can say what ever he wants here.
But, I would PM you? It kinda seems like you are reading it, and if you thought it was out of line, you would edit it, like you do my posts. So, it is cool, right?
Well, if that were the case I'm sure he would have deleted the twenty times you said you were at work and sucking or GOV funds dry sitting on your duff playing internet...
Originally Posted by 1journeyman

Feel free to pm any of the Mods. We don't read every post on the boards, so obviously we miss violations. If you feel you've been insulted pm one of hte Mods with the post # and thread.
As for editing; No Mod EVER edits a post unless it specifically violates forum rules for links, language, etc.
Again Suzy, you're not a martyr or being persecuted around here.
I did not call names or violate forum rules or use bad language maybe I will ask why you removed it !! J/K remove whatever you want bro if you think its worth removing i can live with it.
Originally Posted by gonefishcrazy

Im so tired of hearing about Mr. Wright.
I dont think he can hurt Obama anymore.
People who has made the campaign about him will never change their minds, these are the people who was never voting for him anyway.
People who knows Wright is not running for president, LIKE ME, that never phased me and will never phase me
. JMO.
Well, so you support a man coming into office who represents what our country is against. IE TERRORISM supporting terrorists following a man who does. He is racist I can go on and on but is it necessary...


Active Member

Originally Posted by Rylan1
Since Rev Wright has come out and spoken.. anyone have any new
thoughts about what has been said recently, or how this will effect Obama?
The loud sucking noise is the NObama campaign going down the drain.


Active Member

Originally Posted by Rylan1
We are headed for very dark times... and we need a change.. Look at gas prices, food prices, and in general inflation. Look at the housing market.. many of you argue that housing is good... but we have the lowest new house purchases in last 16 years... We are in a recession and headed for worse. When you have to make life decisions at the gas pump or grocery store.. there is a problem.

Look at our position in the world and how it has changed.. We can't continue with the way things have been.. We have to change our position on Iraq... We need an inspirational leader with a vision... McCain lacks this, and is weak on many other issues... I would think his military leadership would be better, but again we can't continue in Iraq as we have.. this is a crucial time when we need to invest in America.
Things I may differ on with Obama... is taxes on $75k and below... I would bump this up to perhaps to $100K to $125K to $150K.. Somewhere around there. I also would perhaps raise capital gains to perhaps 20% and not the 23%-28% suggested.
But lets make this about the issues... and stop all the Wright talk... because basically what you are doing is trying to make this an issue of race... an issue of division... which is not what the campaign is about, and its the very thing you claim to be preaching against... but you and others give it life.
We are in troubled times..and electing a president that could not figure out his Uncle Miltie Rev for 20 years is not someone that has the cognitive skill to be president...My opinion.
By the way...NObama stated the Rev Wright issue is legitimate in an interview with Chris Wallace.
Uncle Miltie made it an issue of race...and NObama supported it for 20 years.
An individual has to display he/she has the judgement and character to be president. On those two NObama has an F- just on the Uncle Rev issue alone.
And the Rev stated he's comin for NObama in NOv should he be elected .....I guess he will come for his place on the NObama '"team".
NObama is too weak to be president...he should have thrown his hater pastor under the bus with his white grandma. Yet another reason why NObama is not qualified to be president...too weak.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
I liked his, obama is -just saying what a politician has to say idea- refering to Obama's infamous I'm a racist you're a racist we are all racists together speech.

Yep....my take is that he was claiming NObama was just saying that to be elected...it is not what he believes. The guy that is supposed to be above the usual politics is noting more than a typical poltician
Maybe that is why NObama refuses to throw his Uncle from the train...perhpas he is concerend his Uncle will expose him as to what he really knew about him and when...and his agreement with the message.
And...as I predicted several pages ago...... NObama's favorite uncle was not going away.